
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Fifth District Commander Andy Solberg: recent assaults in Bloomingdale

From the MPD-5D list at Yahoogroups:

From: "Solberg, Andrew (MPD)"
To: "Fifth District (MPD-5D @"
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 3:19 PM
Subject: [MPD-5D] Recent assaults in Bloomingdale
On Tuesday, March 19, at about 6:15 pm, we got a call that a group of young boys and girls were throwing items at a person near 2nd and W Sts., NW.  We went but were unable to find a victim.  While we were investigating this matter, we located a person in the 100 block of Adams St., NW, who said that a group of young boys and girls had used the steps to his basement apartment as a spot to gather, and when he told them to leave, they threw fruit at his window.
He did not want to make a report about this, but officers were able to canvass the immediate area and found a group of kids in the 2200 block of Flagler in a front yard of a house where they did not live.  Some of the kids ran off, but we were able to stop and identify a young man, who lived nearby.
In the days after this event, residents made us aware of other similar incidents involving what seemed to us the same group of young kids.
We alerted all our 5D, and specifically the PSA 501 officers and supervisors, and we moved to put an end to all such activity.
Yesterday, Monday, March 25, officers in both the First and Fifth Districts got calls about a group of kids assaulting a woman near 2nd and Rhode Island Avenue, NW.  Our 5D officers were on the scene of this event quickly, and we stopped a group of four women who we believed were involved.  One of these girls was placed under arrest after being identified as one of the kids involved in the assault.
Three other girls were stopped and identified but not arrested.
All girls are 11, 12, or 13.  All live in the 200 block of W St., NW, and two of the girls are sisters.
We expect that yesterday’s arrest will put an end to the behavior we have seen, but it is important for everyone to remember:
When an event such as this occurs, call 911 first, and explain things to the listserv second.  The listserv is a great way to gather and disseminate information, but sometimes neighbors post messages to the listserv but forget to call 911 to alert us, and without that call, we may be unaware of the activity.
Thank you.
Andy Solberg
Commander, 5D


  1. Thank you, Commander Solberg, and officers of 5D for taking this matter seriously, for partnering with us to combat any type of crime, and for all you do each and every day to make living in this community a pleasure and a privilege.

    John Salatti
    (202) 986-2592

    "Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale"

  2. I'm sorry, but it doesn't explain why the police didn't contact the person attacked! 911 was called soon after the incident with no response from the MPD. Of course 911 should be called if you've been assaulted, but I'm glad the listserv was updated as well so residents are aware of what's going on in their neighborhood. Hopefully the arrest will make a difference! I couldn't make the walk tonight, but encourage everyone to get involved.

  3. Right before Thanksgiving, a group of kids (about 8 and all around 13 or 14) threw a rock at our car as we approached 1st St and Adams NW at about 8pm. The rock shattered our windshield while our baby was in the backseat. We chased the kids down and called the police. The police arrived within 10mins (which I thought was amazing) and rounded them all up, detained them for a few minutes, but since we couldnt ID exactly which kid threw the rock the police let all of them go. So, fyi, calling the Police doesnt really help in my estimation and we probably put ourselves in danger by chasing them down waiting for the police to arrive.
