
Thursday, March 28, 2013

HPRB master plan review for DC Water's raze application for two sand filtration cells at McMillan -- this morning, Thursday, 03-28-2013

See this DC Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) master plan review form. 

Here is the Recommendation text at the bottom of this document:

The HPO recommends that the Board:
 Find the proposed demolition to be inconsistent with the purposes of the preservation act, as it will result in the demolition of important character-defining features of the McMillan Park Reservoir landmark;
 Recommend to the Mayor’s Agent that if the project is determined to be a project of special merit, that Option C proposed by the applicant would result in the best possible mitigation of the loss of the filtration cells, as it would result in the recreation of the site’s distinctive original topography and would take advantage of the existing south service court to provide access to the site.


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