
Friday, March 22, 2013

occupied home broken into last night on the 200 block of T Street NW; items stolen from within the home; car stolen

See this message received earlier this morning at 12:41 am:
Just Wanted to let you know of a break in on 200 block t street NW
tonight. It happened about 8 pm while my wife, who is 8 months
pregnant and two year old were at home.

No one hurt, thankfully. They made off with my 97 red Porsche boxster,
laptop and some other not so valuable stuff. Some how they fit a 43
inch tv in that little car of mine.

I actually saw them drive off. If anyone sees a near mint condition
red boxster with a DC tag starting with cx, call the cops!

I called 911 within 10 mins of the car being driven away after I went inside and noticed that I had no TV.  The first operator didn't ask for a description of the car. I called back after I realized this and gave them the details to see if they could get the info out to people.  An officer showed up about 20 to 30 mins later.

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow. Glad no one was hurt. Did they come in the house and hold them at gun point or something while they stole the TV? Or were your wife and toddler upstairs while it happened? Just trying to understand what the level of brashness was by these crooks. Breaking into an occupied house with a child. Terrifying.
