
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Paul Cerruti back again: "Stop the McMillan Development Lobby NOW | Historic Preservation Review Board - HELP!"

See this 03-26-2013 message from Bloomingdale resident Paul Cerruti:

I have come to believe - strongly - that the cause to preserve McMillan is of critical importance to the long term health and well being of Bloomingdale - as a neighborhood, as a community.
Additionally, I feel this cause is inextricably linked to the cause to protect Bloomingdale`s magnificent Victorian architecture - the charm and character of our neighborhood.
I am also convinced it is without question that the cause for Historic Designation will only be more urgent, face greater challenges and be more difficult if McMillan is developed.  Imagine the development pressure on Bloomingdale with the addition of thousands of new apartment dwelling residents to the north at the McMillan site... combined with the thousands new and thousands more to come in NOMA to our south??
Imagine as well - what will be the consequences to Bloomingdale of large scale development at the McMillan?
Our neighborhood is already deeply scarred by the butchering of the fine boulevard that was once North Capitol Street, making it into highway to ease the traffic flow for the thousands of new commuters following the development of the suburbs...

It`s not just about the development of McMillan - BUT WHAT IS TO FOLLOW THE DEVELOPMENT OF MCMILLAN?
What will be done to ease the traffic for the thousands and thousands of residents, workers and shoppers for this little, car-dependent, suburban oasis in the District of Columbia? 
Will First Street NW be sacrificed for the benefit of others as North Capitol Street was?  Will all the homes on First Street NW be forced by the city to give up their front yards?  Their front stoops?  Will all the trees on First Street NW be cut down so the road can be widened for the thousands of new - car dependent - residents, workers, and shoppers?
There is so much at stake here for all of us that truly call Bloomingdale home.

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