
Friday, March 08, 2013

soliciting volunteers for the Bloomingdale Spring Clean-Up and Planting Day 2013

See this message from Bloomingdale resident Zach Sherif:
Soliciting Volunteers | Bloomingdale Spring Clean Up & Planting Day 2013
BCA's newly appointed chair of Bloomingdale Beautification - Zach Sherif - is soliciting volunteers to help coordinate the upcoming annual Bloomingdale Spring Clean Up & Planting Day - 2013.  Volunteer organizers and block captains are needed - across the neighborhood - to help organize and lead the effort.  Join us and be a part of the committee!  Scheduled for Saturday April 20th - to coordinate with Earth Day 2013 - we are seeking motivated leaders ready and able to make this year's effort the best yet!  Please participate and lend a green hand - sign up now to beautify Bloomingdale!  Lead your block, adopt a few tree boxes or even a park, inspire a group of friends to join in or reach out to your neighbors and fellow parishioners to motivate one and all to participate this year!  Business owners rally your clients and pals - create a company team - and get involved!  It's a win-win for all!  Let's do this Bloomingdale - and really bloom this year!  
We will be cleaning our sidewalks, back alleys, tree boxes, gardens and parks, mulching and planting for the Spring/Summer.
For more information and details email Zach at
To An Amazing Spring/Summer 2013!

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