
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

WCP: "Fruit-throwing tweens terrorize Bloomingdale"

Okay, the Washington City Paper folks have taken notice.  You could see this headline coming.

We walked right into this one, didn't we?


Fruit-Throwing Tweens Terrorize Bloomingdale

Normally, the sight of a child with a fruit would be a warm one. But that's not the case in Bloomingdale. Fruit-throwing adolescents are causing so much trouble that two police districts have had to get involved, according to listserv emails first posted on PoPville.
The trouble started on March 19, according to the email from the Metropolitan Police District Commander 5th District CommanderAndrew Solberg, when police received reports of a group of children throwing "items" at a person near the intersections of 2nd and W streets NW. But the case of the fruit-throwing children was just beginning:

While we were investigating this matter, we located a person in the 100 block of Adams St., NW, who said that a group of young boys and girls had used the steps to his basement apartment as a spot to gather, and when he told them to leave, they threw fruit at his window.

Other area residents reported that the kids had been causing trouble in other incidents too, according to Solberg. While the group is made up of both boys and girls, Solberg writes, the girls in the group are known be only 11, 12, and 13 years old.
The troublesome tweens struck again this Monday, allegedly assaulting a woman near Rhode Island Ave. NW. One of the children was arrested, but the mischief still isn't over, as now MPD's 3rd District is reporting similar problems with the adolescents.
"We will work together so that all MPD efforts have a centrally focused point of contact," writes Solberg.

1 comment:

  1. If their assault could be reduced to "throwing fruit" it's wouldn't be a big deal but, according to Soldberg this group has been assaulting other neighbors with other measures more scary than "throwing fruit" (gotta say, though... was the fruit a canteloupe or a grape?)
