
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

weMoveDC Ward 5/6 community meeting -- Tuesday, 03-26-2013

See this message from Chancee Lundy:
DDOT will be hosting four community meetings around the city to talk about the future of transportation in the District. We will be in Ward 5/6 on March 26th from 6-8pm at Ludlow Taylor Elementary School, 659 G Street NE. They aren't ward specific, so if you can't attend that one there are 3 others (see below) plus a web meeting. Please spread this information to your neighbors and friends.
moveDC will be the City's first long range transportation plan that looks at all modes (bus/circulator, metro, car, sidewalks, streetcar, biking) together. It would be a great way to give your input on what the future of the city's transportation looks like in your neighborhood and for your everyday commute. There will be a brief presentation to explain the purpose of moveDC, recap the moveDC Idea Exchange, and explain the activities for the evening. For the remainder of the meeting there will be interactive exhibits where you will be able to share your thoughts on neighborhood and citywide transportation issues. 
Please come out and let your voice be heard. There is a much more detailed description of the event belows. Also, please see the attached flyer.

Refreshments will be served.

For those people that missed the moveDC Idea Exchange in February here is the recap:
Chancee` Lundy
O-202-434-8921; C-202-630-9353moveDC: Our Transportation FutureWeb: | Twitter: @WeMoveDC | Faceboook: /WeMoveDC | Flickr: /groups/WeMoveDC

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