
Friday, April 19, 2013

Big Bear Cafe has applied for a substantial change to its Class C license

A Bloomingdale resident forwarded this announcement to me, so I am posting it here.

Here is the link to the DC Municipal Regulations and DC Register announcement.
And below is the actual ABRA Notice of Public Hearing.  Looks like the roll call hearing date is Monday, June 17, 2013.


  1. I have been asked to post this message by a 1st Street NW resident in Truxton Circle: "I am so tired about hearing about what big bear is doing to make more money. why don't they use some of that money to put in handrails or handicap ramp for people with disabilities. I have written to them more than once about this issue and nothing has been done."

  2. Not sure that wanting to keep the cafe open for an extra hour is a "substantial change," (although it seems like this is a DCRA term of art) and I'm certain it's not the appropriate vehicle for complaints about accessibility. Coupling a potentially valid complaint about accessibility with vague and bitter gripes about the success of a local business is not an effective advocacy strategy.

  3. yes, regardless of how much or how little money they make, or what their hours are, this Big Bear business should be wheelchair accessible. I sent a letter to the Zoning people during the last go-round on their application for a change saying that any renovation or other change should incorporate accessibility. In particular, since sometimes this location is used for "community" or public meetings, this is very important. Maybe it's time for us wheelchair people to picket this place!
