
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

DC Office of Planning Zoning Regulations Review for ANC 5E

At last night's ANC 5E meeting, Joel Lawson of the DC Office of Zoning provided an update on the Zoning Regulations Review (ZRR).  

Up to now, the information shared by the DC Office of Planning has been general, that is, not specific to the audience being presented to. 

That changed last night.

Joel Lawson distributed screen shots of a Powerpoint presentation that was specific to ANC 5E.

With ANC 5E-area maps.  Great!

Perhaps the item that ranked the highest on the audience-squawk-meter was on the topic of "proposed transit areas."  

The ZRR would change these two key items for "transit areas": 1) remove parking minimums,  and 2) would apply specified standards for pedestrian-orientation, lively streetscapes.
So what in ANC 5E might get categorized as a "transit area?"  The C-2-A-zoned lots up and down Florida Avenue NW, according to the map Joel supplied.
The parking minimums removal would apply to the development of the Joe Mamo lot at North Capitol Street and Florida Ave NW -- and the empty on the south side of Florida down from Revive Catering.  Some neighbors would welcome the removal of parking minimuns and others would find that abhorrent.

But Joel Lawson advised that this strip of Florida Ave NW might * not * get lumped into the "transit area" category.  So stay tuned.

Here you go:

1 comment:

  1. Joel Lawson indicated that parts of ANC 5E * could * be classified as "transit areas" --- what do you think ?
