
Friday, April 05, 2013

my tweets from yesterday's HPRB hearing on VMP's revised McMillan master plan and design guidelines

I watched yesterday's Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) hearing on the Vision McMillan Partners (VMP) revised master plan and design guidelines.  I tweeted as I watched the hearing.

You can read my tweets via this chirpstory. 

Start at the bottom and read your way up.
Keep in mind that these are tweets -- only 140 characters.  The individual testimonies, for example, provided lots more detail than 140 characters can capture.
Thanks to the ANC commissioners and neighbors who provided public testimony before the HPRB.  
Here are a few additional comments from the hearing that did not get tweeted:
There were opening comments by Anne Corbett of the VMP team.
Jeff Miller of DMPED said that the increase in the park & green space in the bottom tripartite / reduction in the space allocated towards housing, retail and office space translates into less revenue for the District and stated specific figures (which I did not record).  In other words, the District is sacrificing $$$ to accommodate the DCWater infrastructure process.
CUA Professor Gusevich suggested during her testimony that some of the revised VMP design appeared to have been lifted from Collage City Studio`s alternate site proposal -- without proper attribution.  An unidentified female in the audience raised an objection to that statement.
During the public testimony -- a neighbor from Amsterdam also provided oral testimony not in favor of the revised site plan.  
Bloomingdale resident Betsy McDaniel asked the HPRB, if it approves the VMP plan, to save a cell. The HPO staff report  commended  saving Cell 14.  Betsy said "To me, it is isolated from the park area, surrounded by building and streets - I think that VMP should save a cell near the park, near a silo and sand washer.  Also, we have no idea what condition Cell 14 will be in after it has been used by DC Water. Anne Corbett responded that they plan to use part of a cell in conjunction will the community center in the park."

More from Betsy McDaniel:  "Post hearing clarification -- the VMP plan does not guarantee that they will incorporate part of a cell in the community center  - they cite it is  'pending feasibility study`.  (See page 10 of the Scribd plan Anne Corbett sent to the blog.)  While I applaud incorporating and reusing cells in the plan, I think that there should be (at least) one unaltered cell as an historic artifact. (I think many people who have visited the site and have gone into one of the filter beds would agree.)"


  1. Scott nice job - do you know of anywhere we can look at photos of the revised plan?

  2. Go here:
