
Sunday, April 21, 2013

red light ticket received for making a completely legal right on red at 1st and Rhode Island onto 1st Street NW

From a Bloomingdale resident:
My wife got a red light ticket for making a completely legal right on red at 1st and Rhode Island onto 1st street. Obviously we will fight this, which is a waste of our time and will take forever. That said, be warned about making a right off Rhode Island and onto 1st at the corner of Windows Cafe. It might just cost you an extra $150 in taxes... or at least your time.
Here is a response received already:
On the red light comment, a ticket comes with a web address where you can review the video of the turn, not just still photos.  I said the same thing when my husband got a ticket but after seeing the video, it was very clear he did not make a full stop which is why they gave the ticket.


  1. I got a ticket for the same thing last year before hurricane Sandy. I made a right onto 1st from Rhode Island, but there was a dump truck with sand occupying the right lane so I made the right turn from the middle lane. I've disputed the ticket online but so far have heard nothing in response.

  2. I got a ticket in Januarary for the same thing. Because I didn't have the time to sit in a court room and prove the fact that ticket was unjust and in fact illegal I had to pay it. The entire system in DC is designed to gloss over the citizens and generate pure revenue for the city.
