See this 05-28-2013 message:
At approximately 11:30am on Sunday, I noticed that someone was standing at my front door, fiddling with the lock.
I opened the door, at which point I saw a white male, medium build, mid-to-late 30s, grey t-shirt, jeans and a baseball hat, stumbling down the street. He turned and looked at me, and said "Oh sorry, wrong house... I'm going to my friend's house next door." He then just proceeded to walk down the block.
I called the cops, and they said they would canvas the neighborhood. They didn't find him.
I saw this same guy on 1st and Adams. I watched him for a while wondering if he was drunk or maybe had some medical problem that altered his gate. He walked west on 100 block of adams, never looked in cars or went to any home. I believe he turned up the alley on 100 block of adams on north side and went down Bryant and then back to 1st st cause about 15mins later he went past my house on 1st headed south. Never did anything untoward so didn't call cops on him. This all occurred around 11am on Sunday