
Monday, May 20, 2013

contesting a red light ticket at 1st & Rhode Island Avenue NW (for a right turn on red)

See this message from a neighborhood resident:

Has anyone had any luck contesting a red light ticket issued at 1st and Rhode Island for a legitimate right turn on red?
I'm just wondering if it's worth my time to try. I saw that they installed a new camera there -- so I'm wondering if that is a result of a lot of complaints.

This is the second ticket I've received for turning right on red. I came to a complete stop both times - but still got the ticket.

Anyone have this happen to them too? Very frustrating.


  1. I received a ticket for turning on red at this intersection last year leading up to Hurricane Sandy. There was a sand truck parked in the right lane and I made a right turn from Rhode Island from the center lane to pick up sandbags on First Street and received a ticket. I disputed the ticket online and have yet to receive any response. The amount of the fine hasn't increased either.

  2. Yeah, unfortunately...there is no legal right on red in DC. Yeah, i know. All the other states..yada yada. I failed the DC drivers test (twice) due to that. Also, btw, there is no legal right on yellow. Evidently if the light turns yellow you should not enter the intersection. Go figure.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Todd, it's actually not as strict as you might think. The default rule for DC actually _is_ that right turns on red are legal (as opposed to the New York City rule), with only explicitly specified exceptions. See DCMR 18-4013.1, which reads:

      "Right turns after coming to a full stop and yielding right-of-way to pedestrians and other vehicles shall be allowed when facing red traffic control signals, except at locations listed in this section."

  4. Here is a reply from one of our Bloomingdale neighbors: ``Someone needs to put up a sign - `no turn on red` - that would eliminate the problem. It is my understanding that without the sign it is legal to do so.``

  5. Hmmm this might of changed... I failed the exam twice....but that was in 2005 or thereabouts...then it was explicitly stated in the manual that there were no rights on red and even on yellow. I am however, glad that they have somewhat loosened it.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I took the test in 2009 and don't remember it saying right turn on red was illegal (unless of course there is a sign posted that said so). If you can prove that you came to a complete stop (based on the time given on the photo) you should be able to get out of paying it. My mom definitely did NOT stop as only about 2 seconds passed from the time she merged from the left lane to the point where she turned right so she couldn't get out of it. And traffic adjudication does take a long time to get back to you once you dispute.

  7. I contested a ticket for the same - right turn on red, with video evidence supporting the fact that I came to a full stop. In their refusal, I was told that I didn't sit idle at the intersection for a sufficient amount of time. I wish I could tell you what the time they "required" was, but I think I tore the decision up in frustration.

  8. I also received a ticket on a legal right hand turn. After reviewing the video, I thought it was open and shut. I came to a complete stop, right turn signal on - long pause - and proceeded. I contested in person and was denied dismissal AND reduction because I came to a complete stop over the solid white line by oh about 1.5 to 2 feet. I asked the court for a reduction as I felt $150 fine for my infraction does not equal someone who completely blows the red light through the intersection and gets the same fine. The judge wasn't hearing it, and time off work and $150 later - pretty sucky!

  9. Same here. Contested it and lost. This is yet another tax, and one of the most regressive taxes there are. Did you know Lockheed Martin gets 40% of every ticket? It's a tax we pay to one of the largest, most wealthy defense contractors!
