
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Brookland`s Daniel Wolkoff asks DMPED`s Shiv Newaldass about the $250,000 expenditure on McMillan per year

From: Daniel Wolkoff <>
Subject: McMillan
To:, "" ,, "Kirby Vining"
Cc: mcheh @
Date: Thursday, June 20, 2013, 5:53 AM

Mr. Newaldous, please supply me with the transcript of my verbal testimony from the June 6th public comment meeting on "surplus property" for McMillan. I understand it will be included in the "package" going to city council. Thanks for supplying this to me. The lack of any recording, any video, any public address system and the difficult acoustics of the room, concern me. I know the speakers had their backs to you, were not facing you or the other DC employees writing notes, so how accurate is the transcrption?

 I have one more question I hope you can help with. It is my understanding that an expenditure of $250,000 per year is spent at the McMillan Sand Filtration Plant, to mow the lawn. I would like this corroborated, and please tell me who contracts this , which DC office, and who is responsible? It seems like I might have this figure  incorrect.? That would come to almost $5000 a week. Could we be expecting the taxpayers to spend almost $5000 a week on the lawn mowing at McMillan? Please clarify this expense for me, and how long it has been going on. thanks so much, Daniel Goldon Wolkoff

Daniel Goldon Wolkoff
Adams Morgan Stained Glass
1231 Randolph Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017
Tel: 202-232-8391

1 comment:

  1. It would be polite to learn how to spell the name of the person you're addressing correctly, if you want a timely response.
