
Thursday, June 13, 2013

CM McDuffie helps obtain FOIA'd McMillan "Exclusive Rights Agreement" between DMPED & VMP

From: Erin Fairbanks <>
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 6:44 PM
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Councilmember McDuffie Successfully Intercedes to Obtain Key McMillan Document 

The Friends of McMillan Park
For Release:       June 13, 2013
Contacts:             Erin Fairbanks, erinwhite@yahoo.com240-506-6777
Councilmember McDuffie Successfully Intercedes to Obtain Key McMillan Document
With a simple phone call, Ward 5 Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie obtained the release of a key McMillan project development document that the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Development (DMPED) had failed to release despite FOIA requests from the Friends of McMillan (FOM) dating back to October 2012.  The document is the “Exclusive Rights Agreement” between DMPED and the developers, Vision McMillan Partners (VMP, composed of developers EYA, Jair Lynch and Trammel Crow). 
“The Friends of McMillan Park are very grateful to Councilmember McDuffie for stepping up and aiding us with obtaining this document,” says Kirby Vining, a long-time Stronghold resident and FOM member who made the FOIA request.  “We are carefully reviewing the document to fully comprehend the nature of the relationship between the District and VMP. Therefore, we cannot comment on the details on the agreement.  But, having this in our hands will help us prep are for future meetings on the fate of McMillan Park.”
FOM still has an outstanding FOIA request for the specific contract terms between VMP and the District.  If DMPED continues to ignore this request, we will certainly call on Councilmember McDuffie’s good offices once again.

FOM has more than 3,500 petition signatures (gathered mostly in Ward 5) against the proposed VMP development and for an alternative, such as the Collage City plan,  that creates a real park, preserves and re-purposes the existing historic structures, and stimulates economic development -- just like the High Line in New York. 


  1. Why is Kirby Vining who is a member of FOM also on the MAG? Isn't that a conflict of interest? MAG is working as an advisory group and FOM is vehemently opposed to development of McMillan. Conflict of interest, unless he is on the MAG as a interloper and working to bring back info to FOM

  2. FOM is not opposed (never mind "vehemently") to development of McMillan. FOM expressly have gone on record in support of smart development. It is a large group, including some who oppose development more than others, but who all oppose this particularly unbalanced, incoherent, corruptly conceived "vision".

    As for the MAG, it is their job to speak on behalf of the neighborhood, which includes those who support this development team and those who feel we can do a lot better. Most MAG members support some sort of development, but that is not a requirement for membership on the MAG.

    So, please spare us your misinformation, personal attacks and conspiracy theories.

    It's interesting that EYA is spending so much money to fight the neighborhood. But, they have plenty as DC's corrupt political system has pre-awarded EYA more than a million to shove this down our throats.

  3. If FOM isn't vehemently opposed then I don't live in Bloomingdale. Oh guess what I live in Bloomingdale. FOM has some grand idea that the plans made by some college senior is going to be implemented as the McMillian site. You and I know that is never going to happen so that leads me to believe you are just trying to stop or stall the project by purposing a ridiculous plan.

    Yes, MAG is suppose to represent the neighborhood not folks in Chevy Chase(see the letter from Chevy Chase resident opposing project) which Kirby does by being such an active member of FOM and then trying to convey all the FOM items at MAG. That is not representing the neighborhood either in a for or against position. That is pushing his agenda and the agenda of people not in this neighborhood. Thus leading to the conflict of interest.

    As for conspiracy is a fact Kirby is on the MAG, it is a fact Kirby is part of FOM, it is a fact that FOM "vehemently" oppose development at McMillian so not a conspiracy but a fact. You're the one who said that EYA and the DC gov are corrupt and up to no good. Where are your actual facts on that, and if you have actual facts and not theories then you should contact the attorney general's office

  4. I recently overheard a very vocal member of Friends of McMillan (I won’t say who) state in a public setting that he is one of the majority with FOM who wants “100% Park.” But their flyers don’t ever say that. So I can’t tell if the majority of FOM really wants 100% park or not. Either way, I now can’t trust anything from Friends of McMillan.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. First, and again, there is no requirement that MAG members support this unimaginative corrupt process. MAG members are there to represent their neighbors, some of whom support this development debacle and some who don't.

    As for corruption, here are your facts:

    FACT: EYA gave tens of thousands of dollars to Harry S Thomas Jr's front organization.

    FACT: Harry S Thomas Jr went to jail for spending that money on, among other things, an audi and golf vacations in Florida.

    FACT: EYA, rather then being investigated, is being handed 25 acres of taxpayer-owned real estate, including millions in upfront taxpayer cash.

    FACT: Tony Norman and John Salatti can no longer lead public tours of the property because too many people, after seeing the breathtaking views of the Capitol, reservoir, Mall, Nat'l Cathedral, northern Virginia and the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception were getting involved in opposition to building another Shirlington on this particular piece of property.

    FACT: There was no RFP process to determine what private developer should be given control over development.

  7. That's nice. None of that makes me think less of the project. I still like it.

  8. Well, you can like the problem there. But you should also value your democracy. And this sort of thing erodes it.

  9. Eh, I'm not really worried about how it gets done. I just want it developed.

  10. Eh?

    Most folks want a world-class design for this unique space.

    This isn't it.

  11. Hmmm. patch, I'm guessing that you don't own a home here.
    I do and i plan to for the next lifetime or so...possibly passing it onto my kids (if they want it) so I am prepared to wait for something better so that they can get something that they'll want to take their kids to.

  12. Oh but I do own a house here. More than one, in fact. Several on FOM do not. But my wants are just as important as yours.
