
Friday, June 28, 2013

Friends of McMillan Park: "HPRB strongly criticizes VMP plan for McMillan Park; National Trust warns of legal violations"

From Bloomingdale resident Hugh Youngblood:

Friends of McMillan Park Press Release 2013 06 28 - HPRB Strongly Criticizes VMP Plan for McMillan Park by Scott Roberts

1 comment:

  1. So the National Trust thinks...

    1. It's too "Dense"...They are dense! Stupid people think that dense housing is a bad thing, I guess if your not homeless. DC has a housing supply shortage NTHP oh that's right they don't care or even consider that! STUPID!

    2. They think the townhouses are too Busy! Oh give me a break have you seen the things that the NTHP thinks are beautiful! These guys over time have picked some real winners that the taxpayers have been paying for! This isn't that significant to AMERICA!

    3. They just quote FOM...what losers! They say they look like soviet buildings! Have you people seen HUD's HQ building. It's the most awful thing, but this group says it's architecturally significant! GIVE ME A BREAK!

    4. Furthermore they state that it doesn't conform, which it complete crap! Who is this general counsel? She must be some low rate lawyer that you find in DC on every corner, who can't get a real lawyers job because she's a bit stupid. None of these plans have been finalized and these various boards can agree to move forward when the time comes and it will be completely compliant! So NTHP in the mean time communicates bullshit to the people with what could happen and makes it appear to be reality! This is the same thing FOM is doing and it's back firing on them just like it'd done with eh Sierra Club and their involvement in this issue!

    Wake up DC and fight these wacko jacko new DC residents who call themselves progressive but could care less about the real people of DC and their needs and put their wants and wishes ahead of you!
