
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Friends of McMillan Park: A letter of sympathy for VMP

I have been asked to post this message from an unnamed person from the Friends of McMillan Park:       

Posted on  by 

A Letter of Sympathy for VMP

Poor VMP.
Despite its tremendous wealth and extremely strong ties to DC’s political and media establishments, it’s stuck with the unenviable job of touting a plan that nearly everyone — including VMP! — is ashamed of.  Time and time again, VMP rolls out the same deceptive photograph of the green space in its plan (the one aspect of its plan we sort of like!) while hiding the other 75% — namely the mausoleum-inspired office buildings and dense suburban town homes.  Of course, VMP makes no mention of the nearly total destruction of the underground cells and obliteration of any sense of the sand filtration plant’s history, and we understand why they leave those details out.
Click here to see the single VMP image and media campaign you’ve seen over and over again ad nauseum:
Now click here to see the office buildings that VMP continues to hide:
Looking at the Soviet-era architecture, is it any wonder VMP only shows the renderings of the park?  And do they really expect us to trust them regarding traffic, flooding, jobs, affordable housing, historic preservation and a host of other issues when they refuse to be honest about the buildings they themselves designed?
You can’t help but feel almost sorry for VMP’s herculean task of having to make their plan palatable to a savvy public.  Unfortunately for VMP, Washingtonians are much smarter than VMP thinks and can see the pig clearly through the lipstick VMP keeps smearing on it.


  1. VMP does not need your sympathy. The only people anyone should feel sorry for is the small loud group of people who can't move past the fact that they don't live in Front Royal and that this sight is not going to be a giant vegetable garden.

  2. Here we go again with these ignorant rude and misleading group of new residents to DC. This group is unbelievable in the lies, tactics and misleading information that they put out into the public domain and attempt to call it true! They are living in the Republican BUBBLE! Have they been in DC long enough to know what the real residents of DC want. Are they looking out for their neighbors needs instead of their own selfish wants! these people have taken this to a level that is just unacceptable for DC. they are run away radicals with an agenda to have only the rich and white live in DC. show up to a meeting and see if you see any real representation of DC and it's diversity. What you see is a group of residents who are white who haven't lived in DC long enough to know what DC needs. they moved in the past 5 years and think they know what DC needs. RIGHT! Wake up the "REAL DC" and put these folks out!
