
Monday, June 17, 2013

Joe Mamo back in the news! Proposed changes to his previous plans for 1600 North Capitol Street NW

From Washington Business Journal reporter Michael Neibauer:
Jun 17, 2013, 11:32am EDT UPDATED: Jun 17, 2013, 1:47pm EDT

More residential, possibly no retail for proposed Bloomingdale project

Staff Reporter- Washington Business Journal

The developer of a planned-unit development at Florida Avenue and Q Street NW, approved by the D.C. Zoning Commission six years ago, has returned to the panel with changes that might result in more residences and no retail.
Florida & Q Street LLC, led by developer and gas station purveyor Eyob “Joe” Mamo, is proposing to add residential units, reduce the height of the building, halve the number of parking spaces and possibly convert the retail space to residential “if it cannot be leased for retail uses.”
The application was filed May 31, days before the scheduled June 15 expiration of the PUD approval. In 2011, Mamo received a two-year extension after citing a lack of financing “due to the volatility in the industry” and increasing construction costs.
The developer of 1600 N. Capitol St. now proposes 85 to 95 residential units instead of 65 to 85.
The building will top out at 72 feet, instead of 86 feet. It will include 41 parking spaces on one underground level, as opposed to 84 spaces on two levels. And it might not include any retail if the 5,000 square feet of dedicated retail space in the cellar cannot be leased.
The project, roughly 2,200 feet from the entrance to the New York Avenue Metrol station, will be marked by a six-story tower and a raised entry plaza, a “decorative crown” and roof decks pointing toward the Capitol. It was designed by D.C.-based Bonstra Haresign Architects.
The Zoning Commission has not yet scheduled a hearing date.

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