
Saturday, June 01, 2013

Sierra Club DC: Save McMillan Park

From: Hugh Youngblood <>
Date: May 31, 2013, 15:20:02 EDT
Subject: Save McMillan Park!
Reply-To: Hugh Youngblood <>
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Dear Hugh,
Mayor Gray is moving forward with an ill-advised proposal to develop McMillan Park, a beloved public green space surrounded by the Bloomingdale, Pleasant Plains, and Stronghold neighborhoods.The Mayor's plans would destroy nearly 90% of McMillan Park's green spaces and historic structures, and construct what the DC Historic Preservation Review Board calls a "Tyson's Corner style mixed-use development."
Help the DC Sierra Club protect historic McMillan Park from Tyson's Corner-style Development!
Sign our petition today to convince Mayor Gray and the DC Council to reconsider their misguided plans and save this important landmark.
Reservoir at McMillan Park, D.C.

btn_take action west virginia
McMillan Park is a well-known landmark in the District of Columbia and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places -- yet Mayor Gray plans to declare the area "surplus" to pave the way for commercial development. The Park is located in Ward 5, which suffers from a severe deficit of public park space as compared to other Wards in DC. Moreover, the commercial development plan for the area does not adequately assess the environmental impacts on the reservoir and environment.
Sign the petition to tell Mayor Gray and the DC Council that we don't need another Tyson's Corner development in DC!
If you want to do more to protect McMillan Park, please join us on June 6 at 6:30 p.m.for a critical community meeting to speak out against Mayor Gray's proposal to declare McMillan Park a surplus public property and give it away to a commercial developer.

Thank you,

Hugh Youngblood, DC Chapter Board Member

P.S. Mark your calendar for the DC Chapter's June events!  Check out our calendar and facebook pagefor more upcoming events, meetings, and volunteer opportunities. To RSVP for any event, and to volunteer, please email us at or call 202-548-4581.

Here are some of our upcoming June events:

Zero Waste Committee Meeting
Wed., Jun. 5
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Sierra Club Office, 50 F Street NW, Eighth Floor
ELEMENTAL Film Screening
Wed., Jun. 5
7:20 p.m.
The West End Cinema, 23rd Street NW

McMillan Park Surplus Hearing
Thu., Jun. 6
6:30 p.m.
All Nations Baptist Church, 2001 North Capitol Street NE (North Capitol & Rhode Island)

Transportation Committee Meeting
Thu., Jun. 6
6:30 p.m.
Sierra Club Office, 50 F Street NW, Eighth Floor

Sierra Club and Beer
Thu., Jun. 6
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Big Hunt, 1345 Connecticut Ave NW

DC Smart Grid Forum
Wed., June 26
6:30 p.m.
Sierra Club Office, 50 F Street NW, Eighth Floor

P.P.S. Are you receiving our newsletters?

The DC Chapter sends out quarterly electronic newsletters called the Capital Sierran. The Capital Sierran is a great way to stay informed on what the Chapter is up to. We've received messages from a number of you who are not receiving the newsletters. To subscribe to the Capital Sierran, please fill out this form!

Washington D.C. Chapter | 50 F Street, NW, Eighth Floor, Washington, DC 20001
Ph: (202) 363-4366 | Contact Us


  1. That's a pretty misleading photo to use for the protection of the McMillan Sand Filtration site. I don't think anyone's planning to bulldoze the reservoir.

  2. right it's always a slanted truth with these guys! Andy call them out! It's like Annie Lenox says..."tell me lies tell me sweet little lies" It's outrageous what this crew is attempting to do again. 30 years and Dc still can't get this done because of all these unrealistic views and opinions and look who they are coming from...the Wacko Jackos of Bloomingdale!
