
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Verizon FiOS now being installed in Bloomingdale

Yes, indeed, FiOS is being installed in Bloomingdale now.

A Verizon technician said neighbors should be hearing from Verizon within the next 30 days.


  1. Both Verizon and Comcast have been working in the neighborhood for a couple of months to clean up the lines in the alleys. Another walk through with Comcast will take place next week. (See the letter from Comcast pasted below.) Both Verizon and Comcast should be leaving a notice on your door if they need to access your backyard.

    The Verizon FiOS crew is a separate crew installing the FiOS infrastructure on Saturdays. The work starts in the end of the alley closest to First Street. First you will see a coil of cable dangling from the pole. The next step is the splicing of the cable, and then you will see new black egg crate looking terminals. (In Scott's picture, they are lower on the pole facing the house to the right.) The big white boxes will not be in every alley- they only need one for every three or four alleys. (Forgive my low-tech description!)

    Letter from Mr. Tucker:
    As you are aware, Comcast has been working diligently in the Bloomingdale community since mid-May to replace and fix our aerial plant. We understand the importance of this work to your community. To date, we have cleaned up and replaced more than 200 aerial drops. Aerial drops are the wires that connect to your home from the telephone poles (“drops”). The drops transmit our cable, internet and telephone services from the pole to your home using cable wires. We are removing the wires that cross the yard and performing maintenance on poles with excess wires.

    While we have made a lot of progress, and we have heard from many residents that they are pleased with our work and progress thus far, our work is not complete. We held a community meeting on May 4 with the Bloomingdale residents and we advised them that we would need their help and cooperation to gain entry to a number of back yards in order to gain access to poles and our plant. As Comcast technicians have worked to complete the drop removal process, we have run into multiple residences where we could not access the pole. We require prior clearance from the residents to enter their premises and complete the work.

    To date, the replacement project has operated Tuesday through Friday. It is our intent to add Saturdays to the work schedule and add additional personnel. We hope that by adding Saturdays we will be able to gain greater access to those homes in which we require access to backyards.

    We will work this Saturday, June 29. Please see below a list of the range of addresses and streets in which we will work this Saturday. Our plan going forward is to provide the community with notice a week prior of the addresses and streets that we will work on the following Saturday. We will provide this notice via the Bloomingdale community list serve. We are hopeful that the list serve will serve as an additional opportunity for impacted residents to gain awareness of our work and the need to gain access to their premises. In addition, we hope that the community can help generate awareness of this work and encourage residents to contact us. We will, of course, continue to place a door hanger on the residence. These notices provide the project supervisors direct cell phone numbers in order to schedule an appointment.

    On Saturday, June 29, we will work on the following streets: U Street, NW, V Street, NW and 1, Street, NW

    As I indicated above, the specific doors will be tagged with a request that the resident contact the site supervisor Tyrone Duckett at (240) 882-7104 to schedule a time to provide access. If any resident has additional questions, they can contact me directly at 202.635-5526. Thank you.

    Thomas Tucker

    Senior Director, Government and Regulatory Affairs

  2. WOW it only took 8 years! I have been after Comcast since their President of International was at my home and watching my TV scramble pixels and my internet fade in and out! "They haven't done an update on this street since they put in the first cable line!" Finally!

  3. Just walked out and verified. I had a guy from Verizon up on the pole directly behind my house and asked if they were installing FIOS and he confirmed that yes they were. Said I should be able to contact Verizon in about 2 weeks and get FIOS. GOOD BYE COMCAST!!!!
