
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Vision McMillan Partners factsheet 2013 06 05

See this two-paged fact sheet supplied by Vision McMillan Partners:


  1. Why do they keep cramming this same stuff down our throats? Have VMG not understood that they have FAILED with this particular plan. Time to go back to the drawing board (again). Just because they keep repeating themselves and adding a few choice words like "historic" and "elegant" doesn't mean that all of sudden a fiat becomes a ferrari. It's the GW Bush school of communications ....the more you repeat a load of Bullsht the more people believe it (supposedly). Its a way of communicating that treats the local people like chumps. Next.

    1. Obvious you don't like the plan, but starting agan for the 4th tie in 35 years is not going to happen either get on board and shape what we get or get out of the way. Otherwise i say let the Feds take the land back and put the worse possible thing there and see how you all like that! I say a Nuclear power plant might be just what the Feds need in DC and there is a water supply for cooling!

  2. FYI: The rendering of the community center is an old version.

    The latest version of the community center has a "penthouse" structure on top of it for mechanical equipment even though the building is effectively a one story building on three sides. That means approaching the site from Channing st, 1st st. or the service court, the tall metal clad penthouse structure is at eye level and totally out of place with the architectural style currently existing on site.

    Why do they need such a large penthouse on the community center? It is because they are not doing geothermal heating or air conditioning. The new Dunbar High School is doing geothermal.

    The laughable "Vision" folks show solar panels in the old rendering but no where in their submissions do they state the community center will have any green technologies.

  3. I think this plan looks good and am looking forward to having access to this site and being able to walk to a grocery store.

    1. Vijay...I agree it's not perfect but it's what most DC residents and those near the site have asked for, and it meets the needs of all residents of, affordable housing, more housing and a new park!

  4. Sure...why not a McDonalds too? And a Burger King to give people some options? You can certainly fry food on that big expanse of white concrete that spans the site.

    1. Well Todd you eat there don't you or are you that different from Americans. If that's the case I think you live in the wrong country...McDonald's is huge. now your anti-business and anti-american!

  5. Well, if the grocery store is a Harris Teeter or Whole Foods, it won't be an affordable grocery store for most people. This area does need a grocery store, but why not in a more central location, and why not in a spot that isn't an historic open space?

  6. Any thing is better than nothing when it comes to a grocery store. There are several chains who will be interested in the site. A central location...whatever do you mean? This is an old industrial site that The tree huggers pushed as a historical's really not!

