
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bloomingdale quiz question: how is 138 V Street NW zoned?

138 V Street NW is located on the southeast corner of V and Flagler Place NW.

Question:  how is it zoned?

If you guess R-4, you would be incorrect.


  1. The answer to this quiz question is C-2-A. 138 V Street NW is zoned C-2-A (although good luck trying to confirm that.)

  2. Looked it up and this is what C-2-A means

    here is the website it came from

    Permits matter-of-right low density development, including office employment centers, shopping centers, medium-bulk mixed use centers, and housing to a maximum lot occupancy of 60% for residential use and 100% for all other uses, a maximum FAR of 2.5 for residential use and 1.5 FAR for other permitted uses, and a maximum height of fifty (50) feet. Rear yard requirements are fifteen (15) feet; one family detached dwellings and one family semi-detached dwellings side yard requirements are eight (8) feet.

  3. Thanks for your comment, Mona. I guess that my statement was not clear! My statement about "trying to confirm that" did not regard the definition of C-2-A; my statement regarded confirming that 138 V St NW was indeed zoned C-2-A and not R-4.

  4. Oh that is easy enough to find out...looked it up on DC's PIVS system

    Looks like it is R4 as far as the city is concerned. It is owned by a company called
    Best Home Builders LLC. At sometime in January of this year it may have been reported as vacant and the city went out to verified and declared it occupied.

    Address: 138 V ST NW
    Zip Code: Zip Lookup
    SSL: 3116 0043
    Cluster: Cluster 21
    Ward: Ward 5
    ANC: ANC 5E
    SMD: SMD 5E08
    Census Tract: 003301
    Zone: R-4 *

  5. So the property must have been downzoned from C-2-A to R-4.
