
Monday, July 15, 2013

Bloomingdale resident, Tarpley Long's play sold out opening night

From: Tarpley Long
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 4:52 PM
Subject: Bloomingdale resident, Tarpley Long's play sold out opening night

My play, Dark House,  opened to a full house last Friday night.  There are five more shows to come with two this weekend:  Friday at 6:15 pm and Sunday at 12:45 pm.  Actually, Dark House was the first play in the Festival to sell out a show.  The feedback I have received has been very positive, including the two reviews linked below.  It does help to be familiar with Faulkner's story of Absalom, Absalom!  There is a good summary of the plot on  All agree that the performances are outstanding.  The recent decision in the Trayvon Martin case is  further evidence for the timelessness of Faulkner's themes of race and class.

To purchase tickets:



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