
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

DC Water dropshaft projects at 1st & V NW and 1st & Thomas NW to begin in November 2013

Curious about the status of the three DC Water dropshaft projects in Bloomingdale at 1st & V St NW, 1st & Thomas St NW and Flagler & Adams St NW?

I asked resident Alicia Gersen for an update, since I wasn't paying that close of attention to the project timeline.  Here is her update:

Page 14 of this May 7, 2013 DC Water presentation for Flagler Place NW residents shows the timeframe.   
  • September or October 2013:  Contractor award.
  • October 2013:  Work starts at Channing/McMillan (and my guess is that they'll need to build those parking lots right away too).
  • November 2013:  Work starts at V & Thomas NW
  • January 2014:  Work starts at Flagler/Adams NW (not sure if this is still the case given revised 18-month timeframe, but I think so)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Alicia!

    A neighbor asked me to confirm your info- he had heard something different. So, I checked with DC Water today and received this response that supports your update (although allows wiggle room with "contractor's discretion"):

    The next steps slide from the V Street Block Specific meeting (page 27) is the most accurate and up to date information. Construction durations have been minimized.

    Slide 14, “What Happens Next” from the May 7, 2013 DC Water Presentation provided residents with a general timeframe. The contract will be awarded in October 2013, at which time the contractor will be responsible for providing actual construction start dates for each location.

    While location start dates will be at the contractor’s discretion, the minimized durations presented to the neighborhood for each construction staging area will remain the same. When the contractor places fencing around a staging area, construction officially begins for that staging area and the associated duration limit.

    Parking lots will be available to affected residents as soon as a staging area begins to impact street parking.

    More detailed information regarding specific work locations can be found in the Final Environmental Assessment (EA), released on July 26, 2013, which can be viewed by accessing the hyperlink below.
