
Monday, July 29, 2013

four two-family flats to be constructed on the empty parking lot behing McGill Row/Clairmont Apartments (bounded by W, 2nd, Adams and Flagler NW)

See this set of tweets originated by Washington Business Journal reporter Michael Neibauer this afternoon:

Michael Neibauer@WashBizNeibs
Looks like Bethesda's Miller Development planning construction of four 2-family flats on parcels bounded by W, 2nd, Flagler and Adams St NW. - 29 Jul
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Scott Roberts@ScottRobertsDC
@bloomingdame @WashBizNeibs My guess is that this is the internal parking lot space bounded by W, 2nd, Flagler & Adams- 29 Jul
Michael Neibauer@WashBizNeibs
@ScottRobertsDC @bloomingdame@IMGoph Access to the parcel definitely from the alleys. Two are 15ft wide and a third is 10 feet wide.
say 'Eye Em Gōph'@IMGoph
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@WashBizNeibs there are no empty lots on that block, unless they plan on building on the alley parking lot. - 29 Jul
Michael Neibauer@WashBizNeibs
@IMGoph @ScottRobertsDC@bloomingdame Owner will create 4 side-by-side lots, each 2,279sf and oriented north-south. Each flat 3 stories.

Here are some cell phone pics of the lot from the lot's four corners:


  1. any comments on the proposed new construction alley dwellings?

  2. given that a building adjacent is still unoccupied from a fire in early June (143 W), I wonder if there should be concerns about the narrow alley ways impeding access for emergency vehicles (Could a big fire truck get back there quickly enough?)

  3. See this message from one of the neighbors near Flagler and Adams NW, home of the future DC Water mid-street dropshaft project: "this lot was one of the lots DC Water was supposed to be providing us, residents of Flagler and Adams Streets affected by the upcoming water abatement project, for parking during that 18 mos project. I'm interested to know how this proposed new construction project will affect those plans now."

  4. Hi all:

    Scott, thanks for posting my comments re: DC Water's proposed plan to use that lot to provide nearby parking for some of the elderly and less mobile residents of Flagler and Adams Streets who will be directly affected by the 18 mos construction plan. DC Water did say they were still in negotiations with the owner for use of a good portion of those spaces. Looks like they will need to come up with an alternative plan for parking. As I said, I'm eager to see how they will address this.


    Adams Street, NW

  5. I would hope for less dense development and ensure wider alley access. Garbage trucks already have issue accessing these alleys and no fire trucks were able to access the alley during the fire. Our streets are going to be filled with cars when 3 condo buildings worth of people need to find parking on the street and if only 1 parking spot per duplex...I would also hope that the developments respect the architecture highlights our neighborhood. I certainly hope the ANC, BCA doesn't just approve without really reviewing and understanding any thoughts/concerns of those l living in the immediate area or in the neighborhood at large.

    1. I live on Adams adjacent to this lot and have the exact same concerns (I watched that fire from my bedroom window). The owner of that lot also was not very neighborly when he turned it into the existing parking lot. My fence, garage door and a porch window were all damaged by the construction vehicles (no compensation), and they never thought much about blocking alley access during the condo conversion work. With the drop shaft coming and 4 houses flipping at once along the 100 block of Adams, this is just added stress on the effected residents. Any development like this should wait until after DC Water is finished, and then only if they can demonstrate how it works in the space.

  6. I'm hoping there will be some sort of public commenting or hearing process, please keep us posted if any such opportunities arise.

  7. J.C. -- because the developer is pursuing zoning variances, ANC 5E will definitely be part of the discussion. And ANC 5E will likely require input from the Bloomingdale Civic Association before ANC 5E officially weighs in.

    1. Foks should check with the DC Zoaning Board -- but I believe notices of the request for a variance will be sent to all neighbors within a certain distance of the site. This notice advises those neighbors of their individual right to protest the proposed variance amd explains what the neighbor must do to do so. As nearby neighbors will be those MOST AFFECTED by the proposed change in land use, I would urge them to take advantage of this right to protest and not rely solely on ANC & BCA positions. Call Zoning Board to get authoritative info.

      Bertha Holliday

    2. Exactly - the applicant will have to post orange posters (similar to the ABRA posters) and BZA will send a letter to everyone within 200 feet of the edges of the property.

  8. will these buildings, if built, block light and views for the current nearby residents' dwellings and gardens? is this densifying really necessary?

  9. There is a BBQ and discussion with the developers at 6:30 pm tonight at DPW on Bryant Street. More details will likely be revealed then.
