
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

house broken into, valuables stolen, two people squatting in the house (who were arrested)

See this 07/10/2013 message from a neighborhood resident: 

I would like to put a notice out in the Bloomingdale list serve. I live on North Capital and Florida and returned from being gone for a week this Monday to find my house broken into, valuables stolen and (the police found) two people squatting there in the house. They had been doing laundry, cooking, etc.  The police checked their id's and found they are from our area.

They got in the house by breaking the lock on the front door (which faces Florida), so I just want to warn people that this has happened in our neighborhood and hopefully this can serve as a reminder for people to install grates on their doors and get renter's insurance (which we sadly did not have). The individuals who were squatting in my house were arrested, however the police are still looking for other involved.

1 comment:

  1. There was a squatter in the empty house near us a year or so ago and it was only through repeated calling the property owner and the police that he was "evicted." He'd been drilling out the locks and replacing them with new keys so it looked like he had "ownership" of the property! And he always had an excuse to anyone that asked what he was doing ("cleaning the yard for the owner" etc.) So I think people should report anything that looks suspicious as squatters seem to be quite resourceful.
