
Saturday, July 13, 2013

"Parking Minimums in Transit Zones" axed in Zoning Update; Joe Mamo's project therefore would not be obligated to have no parking

See these two posts -- one from Greater Greater Washington and the other from Washington City Paper Housing Complex.

Parking lots remain mandatory

Tregoning: Parking Minimum Elimination Was “Really Wigging People Out”

Posted by Aaron Wiener on Jul. 12, 2013 at 1:16 pm 

Here is the intro paragraph from Aaron Wiener's WCP HC post: 
Public opposition led the Office of Planning to change course and scrap its plans to eliminate parking minimums in transit zones as part of its rewrite of the city's 55-year-old zoning code.

Previously, I suspected that Joe Mamo's former Exxon gas station lot on the northwest corner of North Capitol Street NW and Florida Avenue NW would be considered part of the transit zone and therefore be subject to the Zoning Update's eliminated parking space mininmums.

(Not that that's a bad thing).

But it appears however, since DC Office of Planning Director Harriet Tregoning has removed that prevision from the Zoning Update, Joe Mamo's project won't be subject to a zoning regulation that eliminates parking minimums.  .

And note that Joe Mamo has indicated that he wants a revised Planned Unit Development (PUD), which necessarily will require him to return to the community to get PUD approval.  


  1. Sorry that this piece of the zoning update is being removed.

  2. I attended the Council hearing on the ZRR, and was surprised that parking was the issue that most witnesses were concerned about. That and "the process" of OP's outreach to the community. Looking at the many comments on GGW made my head spin.

    Hasn't Mamo's PUD expired again?

  3. Yes, Joe Mamo's PUD has expired. He wants to revise his PUD, so that is sort of like starting over from scratch. I believe that one item that he is pursuing is the reduction of street-level retail.

  4. GGW has another post on the parking changes -
