
Monday, July 08, 2013

Sade Grey: Langley Elementary welcomes a new principal, Charlotte Spann

From: Sade Gray 
Sent: Monday, July 8, 2013 10:32 AM
Subject: Langlely Elementary Welcomes a New Principal!

Good Morning Families, Neighbors and Community Members,

I hope this message meets you all in the best of spirits.

Langley Elementary school is proud to announce the selection of our new Principal, Charlotte Spann! Principal Spann comes to us from Winston Elementary School and has great experience, passion and dedication that will continue to help grow Langley Elementary into becoming our premier  community school.

Attached please find her Welcome letter which provides an overview of the Strategic Goals and Events for the upcoming 2013-2014 school year.

Please feel free to share Prinicipal Spann's letter with any community listservs, blogs, friends or family members and be on the look out for lots of updates from the Langley Family this year!

Best Reguards,
Sade Moonsammy-Gray mom to Mia (3yo)
Langley PTA President

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