
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

1800 block of North Capitol Street NW now has restrictive rush hour zone parking -- no parking allowed between 7 am and 9:30 am

See this 08-20-2013 message from an unhappy Seaton Place NW resident: 

Parking restriction alert

The 1800 block of North Capitol Street NW now has restrictive rush hour zone parking. 

No parking is allowed between 7 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.  This is new!  This morning at least 5 other cars received $100 tickets.  It's unclear when the sign went up, but I know for a fact it wasn't up last week.


Here is an update:

An Eckington resident passed along this very long, long, long, long thread from the Eckington list on the restrictive rush hours signage posted on the 1800 block of North Capitol Street NE.  Note that the Emails below are from 2008 and 2009.  The most recent Email below is from this month from Eckington resident Kris Hammond:

So one asks the question if the newly erected no parking signage posted on the 1800 block of North Capitol Street NW is intentional or perhaps in error.
Lots to read here (thanks for your diligence, Kris!)
Parking restriction change on 1800 block N Capitol St NE!

Wed Aug 14, 2013 2:13 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Kris Hammond" kristofor1787

Hello all,

In order to better understand the egregious nature of the sign change on the 1800 block of North Capitol Street is, you should navigate the e-mail string below (start at the bottom).  You will see it took nearly a year of persistent effort to get the parking restriction removed.  You will see that despite a clear request, DDOT removed the wrong signs at first.  You will see that after the sign was removed, my car was ticketed (later dismissed).

Is anyone upset over the sign change and reinstatement of $100 parking fines for no good benefit other than to the DC government treasury?   

Kris Hammond

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Kris Hammond <>
To: "Hardy, Derrick (DDOT)" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 4, 2009 11:00 AM
Subject: Ticket / former Rush Hour Parking restrictions on 1800 Blocks of North Capitol Street NE


Thanks for your offer to send a letter about the ticket.  I've attached a scan and will also drop it in the mail today.

Last week or so, I discovered a DC employee ticketing cars on my block during rush hour.  I pointed the sign change out, he removed the tickets, and said he would inform his supervisor.  So perhaps the message you sent to parking enforcement didn't trickle down very well.

Let me know if there is anything in your department that is not working, or if some change would make your job easier.  I want to do what I can to make DC government work the best it can.



--- On Wed, 1/7/09, Hardy, Derrick (DDOT) <> wrote:

From: Hardy, Derrick (DDOT) <>
> Subject: RE: January 2009 follow-up: Removal of Rush Hour Parking restrictions on 1800 Blocks of North Capitol Street NE
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 9:56 AM
> DPW should only enforce signs that are posted.  I will send a
e-mail to parking enforcement.  Please send me a copy of your ticket should
that I may write an adjudication letter for you.
> From:Kris Hammond
> Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 6:30 PM
> To: Hardy, Derrick (DDOT); Marootian, Jeffrey (DDOT); Thompson, Alice
> Cc: Banks, Sherri (DDOT); Mohamed, Abdullahi (DDOT); Cherifi, Said
> Subject: Re: January 2009 followup: Removal of Rush Hour Parking
restrictions on 1800 Blocks of North Capitol Street NE
> Hello,
> I have confirmed that the no-parking-during-rush-hour signs have been removed on the North Capitol Street N.E. service road north of Seaton Place N.E.
> Last night, I parked my car on North Capitol Street N.E. in the middle of the block between Seaton and T Street N.E.  Despite the removal of the signs, my car was towed this morning ($100 ticket No. 580519682).   Perhaps DPW (and/or ticket writers) did not receive word about the sign changes?
> Just flagging this issue for you.  I will appeal the ticket with a copy of this e-mail.  Neighbors and I look forward to the removal of the signs between S and Seaton Place.
> Thank you,
> Kris Hammond
> --- On Fri, 1/2/09, Thompson, Alice (EOM) <> wrote:
> From: Thompson, Alice (EOM) <>
>> Subject: Re: January 2009 followup: Removal of Rush Hour Parking restrictions
on 1800 Blocks of North Capitol Street NE
>> To: "Hardy, Derrick (DDOT)" <>,, "Marootian, Jeffrey (DDOT)"
>> Cc: "Banks, Sherri (DDOT)" <>,
"Mohamed, Abdullahi (DDOT)" <>,
"Cherifi, Said (DDOT)" <>
>> Date: Friday, January 2, 2009, 1:25 PM
>> Good Afternoon All,
>> Thank you Derrick!
>> Alice
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>From: Hardy, Derrick  (DDOT)
>> To: Thompson, Alice (EOM); ''
<>; Marootian, Jeffrey (DDOT)
>> Cc: Banks, Sherri (DDOT); Mohamed, Abdullahi (DDOT); Cherifi, Said (DDOT)
>> Sent: Fri Jan 02 12:55:13 2009
>> Subject: RE: January 2009 followup: Removal of Rush Hour Parking restrictions
on 1800 Blocks of North Capitol Street NE
>> Jeff,
>> The signs in the on the east side between 1800 through 2100 blockof North
Capitol Street have been removed.  However, the shop did miss three
signs in the 1800 block between Seaton Place and S Street.  I will have
them removed.  All other signs have been removed for some time.
The shop missed these becuase the house numbers inthisblock is not clearly
visible.  They started thier work above Seaton Place.
>> ________________________________
>> From: Thompson, Alice (EOM)
>> Sent: Fri 1/2/2009 8:39 AM
>> To: ''; Hardy, Derrick (DDOT); Marootian, Jeffrey
>> Cc: Banks, Sherri (DDOT); Mohamed, Abdullahi (DDOT); Cherifi, Said (DDOT)
>> Subject: Re: January 2009 followup: Removal of Rush Hour Parking restrictions
on 1800 Blocks of North Capitol Street NE
>> Good Morning All,
>> Hi Jeff,
>> This has been an outstanding request and apparently it was approved.
>> Please determine if this was a viable approval.  Thus if so, when will
this restriction be removed.
>> Many Thanks,
>> Alice
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>From: Kris Hammond <>
>> To: Hardy, Derrick  (DDOT)
>> Cc: Banks, Sherri (DDOT); Mohamed, Abdullahi (DDOT); Cherifi, Said (DDOT);
Thompson, Alice (EOM)
>> Sent: Fri Jan 02 00:46:03 2009
>> Subject: January 2009 followup: Removal of Rush Hour Parking restrictions on
1800 Blocks of North Capitol Street NE
>> Hello Derrick,
>> I am contacting you again concerning the parking restrictions on North
Capitol Street N.E. between S Street N.E. and T Street N.E.
>> It is almost one year since I raised this issue with DDOT (actually did it a
long time before that, but never got anywhere).
>> The no-parking/tow signs between S Street N.E. and Seaton Place N.E. are
still up, and I assume the rest further north are as well.  I've been
requesting removal for the 1800 block(s), but the signs should really be
removed all the way up to V.
>> I am requesting that the signs be removed by January 14, 2009, which will be
one year since Sharlene Reed sent her e-mail (the entire e-mail string is
below).  Simply unscrewing the signs from the posts should suffice in
the short term.
>> Best,
>> Kris Hammond
>> --- On Wed, 10/8/08, Hardy, Derrick (DDOT) <>
>>         From: Hardy, Derrick (DDOT)
>>         Subject: RE: October followup:
Removal of Rush Hour Parking restrictions on 1800 Block of North Capitol
Street NE
>>         To:
>>         Cc: "Banks, Sherri
(DDOT)" <>, "Mohamed, Abdullahi
(DDOT)" <>, "Cherifi, Said
(DDOT)" <>
>>         Date: Wednesday, October 8, 2008,
11:04 AM
>>         The request for the removal of the
rush hour parking signs has been approved.  The counts indicate no
signification morning rush hour traffic travelling north of the North Capitol
Street service road.    Ms. Sherri Banks is preparing the work
orders to send the sign operations staff for installation.  Estimated
completion time is approximately one week.
>>         From: Kris Hammond []
>>         Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008
10:59 AM
>>         To: Hardy, Derrick (DDOT)
>>         Cc: Thompson, Alice (EOM)
>>         Subject: October followup: Removal
of Rush Hour Parking restrictions on 1800 Block of North Capitol Street NE
Hi Derrick,
>>         This is my October request for an
update on the removal of the signs.  Looking forward to the update.
>>         Kris
From: Thompson, Alice (EOM) <>
Subject: FW: September followup: Removal of Rush Hour Parking restrictions on
1800 Block of North Capitol Street NE
To: "Hardy, Derrick (DDOT)" <>
Date: Monday, September 22, 2008, 8:14 AM
Good Morning Derrick,
Please provide an update on the removal of Rush Hour Parking restrictions on
the 1800 block of North Capitol Street, NE.
>>         Many Thanks,
>>         Alice A. Thompson
>>         --- On Mon, 9/15/08, Hardy,
Derrick (DDOT) <> wrote:
From: Hardy, Derrick (DDOT) <>
Subject: RE: September followup: Removal of Rush Hour Parking restrictions on
1800 Block of North Capitol Street NE
Date: Monday, September 15, 2008, 8:46 AM
The request has been approved.  The signs will be removed by my new
parking counterpart.  She is off today.  I will check with her
tomorrow and give you a status.
>> ________________________________
From: Kris Hammond []
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 12:56 AM
To: Hardy, Derrick (DDOT)
Cc: Thompson, Alice (EOM)
Subject: September followup: Removal of Rush Hour Parking restrictions on
1800 Block of North Capitol Street NE
Hi Derrick,
>>         Please provide me with an
update.  Neighbors are asking about this request.  People are tired
of moving their cars at 7 a.m. in the morning and incurring $100 tickets for
no good reason.
>>         Kris Hammond
>>         Commissioner, 5C-02
>>         202-302-7343
>>         --- On Mon, 7/28/08, Kris Hammond
<> wrote:
From: Kris Hammond <>
Subject: Fw: Re: Removal of Rush Hour Parking restrictions on 1800 Block of
North Capitol Street NE
Date: Monday, July 28, 2008, 3:40 PM
From: Kris Hammond <>
Subject: Re: Removal of Rush Hour Parking restrictions on 1800 Block of North
Capitol Street NE
To: "Thompson, Alice (EOM)" <>
Date: Monday, July 28, 2008, 1:10 PM
Sure, let me know if there is anything I can do to help.  I just want to
be kept in the loop.
>>         Kris
>>         --- On Mon, 7/28/08, Thompson,
Alice (EOM) <> wrote:
From: Thompson, Alice (EOM) <>
Subject: Re: Removal of Rush Hour Parking restrictions on 1800 Block of North
Capitol Street NE
Date: Monday, July 28, 2008, 11:56 AM
>>         Good Morning,
>>         Please work with Derrick on this
project -- it was an oversight thus, he will have to initiate a two week
study to determine how many folks park in this area and whether or not it
warrants  removing  the rush hour restrictions
>>         Alice
>>         ----- Original Message -----
>>        From: Hardy, Derrick 
>>         To: Thompson, Alice (EOM)
>>         Sent: Mon Jul 28 10:11:34 2008
>>         Subject: RE: Removal of Rush Hour
Parking restrictions on 1800 Block of North Capitol Street NE
>>         The previous request back in
February was for the removal of rush hour restrictions in the 2000-2100 block
of North Capitol Street, NE.   Those are the signs that were
removed.  The e-mail of May 23, 2008 asked for an update.  I
responded to the update of the previous request that was committed to.
I did not notice that the 1800-1900 blocks of North Capitol Street were now
added.   I will need to have a count done for those two blocks to
determine the impact of removing the rush hours restrictions in those blocks
since the were not previous committed to while I was performing duties in
Ward 5.
>>         -----Original Message-----
>>        From: Thompson, Alice (EOM)
>>         Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 1:19
>>         To: ''
>>         Cc: Hardy, Derrick (DDOT)
>>         Subject: Re: Removal of Rush Hour
Parking restrictions on 1800 Block of North Capitol Street NE
>>         Good Morning All,
>>         Thank you Kris,
>>         Derrick would you visit this site
and hopefully expedite Kris's request for the 1800 bloCk of North Capital
Street, NE on the service road.
>>         Derrick, is it possible to remove
the rush hour parking restriction on the 1800 block of North Capital. Street,
>>         Many. Thanks,
>>         Alice
>>         Many Thanks,
>>         Alice
>>         ----- Original Message -----
>>        From: Kris Hammond
>>         To: Thompson, Alice (EOM)
>>         Cc: Hardy, Derrick 
>>         Sent: Sat Jul 26 18:31:17 2008
>>         Subject: Re: Removal of Rush Hour
Parking restrictions on 1800 Block of North Capitol Street NE
>>         Hi Alice,
>>         Please take another look at the
e-mail string that I provided to you previously, it appears below.
>>         On January 14, 2008, Mr. Hardy
received the e-mail in which I stated: "Residents are concerned about
parking restrictions on the 1800 block of North Capitol St NE , on the
service road."
>>         On May 23, 2008, Mr. Hardy
received an e-mail in which I stated: "I would appreciate receiving a
status update concerning the change to the parking restrictions on the N.
Capitol Street N.E.   service road (1800 and 1900 blocks)."
>>         On July 23, 2008, Mr. Hardy
received an e-mail in which I stated: "the sign in front of 1813 N.
Capitol Street is still up."
>>         I have no record of ever
mentioning the 2000 block to Mr. Hardy.  I have never had a phone
coversation with Mr. Hardy about this matter.  I checked today and the
2000 block signs have been removed, which is fine.
>>         Now that Mr. Hardy is aware of the
fact that the 1800 block (which actually covers two blocks intersecting at S
Street N.E., Seaton Place N.E. , and T Street N.E. ) is the one at issue, I
respectfully request that the rush hour restriction signs on the 1800 block
of North Capitol Street N.E. be removed on an expedited basis.
>>         Thank you,
>>         Kris Hammond
>>         --- On Fri, 7/25/08, Thompson,
Alice (EOM) <> wrote:
From: Thompson, Alice (EOM) <>
Subject: FW: July Inquiry: Rush Hour Parking restrictions on North Capitol
Street NE
Cc: " Hardy, Derrick (DDOT)" <>
Date: Friday, July 25, 2008, 6:37 PM
Good Evening Kris,
You must respond to his statement.  It appears that Derrick Hardy was
unaware of your request for the 1800 hundred block of North Capital Street,
Alice A. Thompson
Executive Office of the Mayor
Office of Community Relations and Services
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Suite 211
Washington , D.C. 20004
Tel. (202) 727-5746
Fax (202) 727- 5931
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is
intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and contains
information which may be confidential, legally privileged, proprietary in
nature, or otherwise protected by law from disclosure.  If you received
this message in error, you are hereby notified that reading, sharing,
copying, or distributing this message, or its contents, is prohibited.
If you have received this message in error, please telephone or reply to me
immediately and delete all copies of the message.
-----Original Message-----
From: Thompson, Alice (EOM)
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 6:34 PM
To: Thompson, Alice (EOM)
Subject: Fw: July Inquiry: Rush Hour Parking restrictions on North Capitol
Street NE
----- Original Message -----
From: Hardy, Derrick   (DDOT)
To: Thompson, Alice (EOM)
Sent: Fri Jul 25 15:11:05 2008
Subject: RE: July Inquiry: Rush Hour Parking restrictions on North Capitol Street
The only request and agreed upon block was the 2000 North Capitol Street
Service Roadway.  I am unaware of any request in the 1800 block.
From: Thompson, Alice (EOM)
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 8:40 PM
To: Hardy, Derrick (DDOT); Jones, Angylene B. (DDOT)
Subject: FW: July Inquiry: Rush Hour Parking restrictions on North Capitol
Street NE
Importance: High
Good Evening,
Please see the email below, is it possible to visit this site and address ANC
Comm. Kris Hammonds issues and request, if what he is asking is not feasible
please, let him know.  This has been unresolved for much too long.
Many Thanks,
Alice A. Thompson
Outreach and Services Specialist W-5
Mayor Adrian M. Fentyʼs
Office of Community Relations and Services
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 211
Washington , D.C. 20004
Tel. (202) 727-5746
Fax (202) 727- 5931
>>           &
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is
intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and contains
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nature, or otherwise protected by law from disclosure.  If you received
this message in error, you are hereby notified that reading, sharing,
copying, or distributing this message, or its contents, is prohibited.
If you have received this message in error, please telephone or reply to me
immediately and delete all copies of the message.
From: Kris Hammond []
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 5:18 PM
To: Thompson, Alice (EOM)
Subject: Fw: July Inquiry: Rush Hour Parking restrictions on North Capitol
Street NE
Alice ,
Please see below for the continuing saga.  I've actually been working on
this since at least January 2007. This year I have sent an e-mail every
month.  DDOT claims to prepare to act, but then nothing happens.
It shouldn't be this way... what is going on inside DDOT and DCRA?
--- On Wed, 7/23/08, Kris Hammond <> wrote:
From: Kris Hammond <>
Subject: July Inquiry: Rush Hour Parking restrictions on North Capitol Street
To: " Hardy, Derrick (DDOT)" <>
Date: Wednesday, July 23, 2008, 5:14 PM
Mr. Hardy,
The individuals responsible for taking the signs are making you look bad
because... the sign in front of 1813 N. Capitol Street is still up.
What would be a good time to discuss with you by phone the internal processes
of the DDOT so that I can better understand the situtation?
--- On Thu, 6/26/08, Kris Hammond <> wrote:
From: Kris Hammond <>
Subject: RE: Phone call re: Rush Hour Parking restrictions on Nort h Capitol
Street NE
To: " Hardy, Derrick (DDOT)" <>
Date: Thursday, June 26, 2008, 3:55 PM
Outstanding!  Thank you.
--- On Thu, 6/26/08, Hardy, Derrick (DDOT) <>
From: Hardy, Derrick (DDOT) <>
Subject: RE: Phone call re: Rush Hour Parking restrictions on Nort h Capitol
Street NE
Date: Thursday, June 26, 2008, 2:27 PM
The signs will be removed by Tuesday.
From: Kris Hammond []
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 5:12 PM
To: Hardy, Derrick (DDOT)
Subject: Phone call re: Rush Hour Parking restrictions on Nort h Capitol
Street NE
Hi Mr. Hardy,
I never seem to get to this issue until after 5 p.m. Can we talk tomorrow,
what time would be good for you?  My number is 202-302-7343.
Kris Hammond
--- On Wed, 6/25/08, Jones, Angylene B. (DDOT) <>
From: Jones, Angylene B. (DDOT) <>
Subject: RE: June inquiry: Removing Rush Hour Parking restrictions on Nort h
Capitol Street NE
To: "''" <>
Cc: "Reed, Sharlene (DDOT)" <>
Date: Wednesday, June 25, 2008, 11:38 AM
I do apologize to you for not contacting you about this matter. However I
spoke with Mr Derrick Hardy who handles traffic issues and this being one of
them. He assured me that he would taking care of the matter. Therefore, I
assumed it was a done deal. So would you please e-mail him directly and ask
him to take care of the problem.
From: Kris Hammond []
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 4:56 PM
Subject: June inquiry: Removing Rush Hour Parking restrictions on North
Capitol Street NE
No one from DDOT has been in touch with me since February 13.  At your
earliest convenience, I would appreciate a progress update concerning the
lifting of  the rush hour restrictions on a portion of North Capitol
Street .
In addition, approximately six months ago, I raised the issue of extending
further north of S Street the iron fence dividing North Capitol Street
.  Individuals continue to cross the street at this location, placing
themselves at great danger.
Kris Hammond
--- On Fri, 5/23/08, Kris Hammond <> wrote:
From: Kris Hammond <>
Subject: Status update requested: Removing Rush Hour Parking restrictions on
North Capitol Street NE
Date: Friday, May 23, 2008, 1:55 PM
Good afternoon,
I would appreciate receiving a status update concerning the change to the
parking restrictions on the N. Capitol Street N.E.   service road
(1800 and 1900 blocks).  Please respond by next Friday if possible.
Thank you and enjoy the holiday weekend.
Kris Hammond
ANC Commissioner, 5c-02
>>                                        <>  <>  < > > >
Kris Hammond <> wrote:
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 19:48:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kris Hammond <>
Subject: April Followup: Removing Rush Hour Parking restrictions on North
Capitol Street NE
Hello Derrick,
It will be great to see the sign change.  A neighbor asked me tonight
about freeing the service road, and I told him you were working on it.
People want to park in front of their homes for safety reasons as well as
convenience.  Getting out of bed to move a car before 7 a.m. can be a hassle.
Has the regulation been sent up the chain?  When do you think the
regulation will be signed and published?
With anticipation,
From: Hardy, Derrick (DDOT)
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 9:35 AM
To: 'Kris Hammond'
Cc: Reed, Sharlene (DDOT); Jones, Angylene B. (DDOT)
Subject: FW: 2nd Followup: Rush Hour Parking restrictions on North Capitol
Street NE
I will draft a regulation to remove the northbound morning rush hour
restriction.  I will leave the block unregulated at this time.  I
will monitor and reevaluate that decision if it becomes
necessary.   The new signage should be installed in 30 to 45 days
after the regulation is signed and published.
From: Kris Hammond []
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 9:30 AM
To: Hardy, Derrick (DDOT); Jones, Angylene B. (DDOT)
Cc: Reed, Sharlene (DDOT)
Subject: RE: 2nd Followup: Rush Hour Parking restrictions on North Capitol
Street NE
We are talking about N. Capitol Street N.E. , so this issue concerns
northbound traffic.  The traffic is extremely light in the
morning.  I have not witnessed traffic as often in the evening, but it
appears to be fairly light then as well.
" Hardy, Derrick (DDOT)" <> wrote:
Are We taking northbound or southbound service roadway?  The southbound
service roadway should have a morning rush hour restriction from 7-9:30 AM.
From: Jones, Angylene B. (DDOT)
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 7:54 AM
To: 'Kris Hammond' ; Jones, Angylene B. (DDOT)
Cc: Reed, Sharlene (DDOT); Hardy, Derrick (DDOT)
Subject: RE: 2nd Followup: Rush Hour Parking restrictions on North Capitol
Street NE
Hello to All,
Derrick Hardy, will take a look at the (Rush Hour Restrictions) between 7AM
thru 9:30AM week days and make a determination to keep it in place or remove
it. However, I think a traffic study is warranted in this case.
From: Kris Hammond []
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 10:51 AM
Subject: 2nd Followup: Rush Hour Parking restrictions on North Capitol Street
Hello again,
It has been almost a month since the North Capitol Street parking issue has
been re-raised with DDOT (I raised the issue last January as well).  Can
you please help me move the ball forward?
Kris Hammond <> wrote:
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 12:20:05 -0800 (PST)
From: Kris Hammond <>
Subject: Followup: Rush Hour Parking restrictions on North Capitol Street NE
To: " Jones, Angylene B. (DDOT)" <>
Hi Ms. Jones:
I am following up on the parking issue outlined below (I've redacted
unrelated text).  This is an issue on which residents agree, not only on
North Capitol Street but also the unit blocks of S and Seaton Place
NE.    I first brought this issue to the attention of the
then-ANC commissioner in 2005.
Assuming a petition process is required, I need to verify the proper form of
such a petition.  As you can imagine, considerable time can be spent
talking to residents and obtaining signatures-- therefore, I do not want to
gather signatures only to be told that the petition is worthless.
Therefore, your guidance would be most appreciated.
Kris Hammond
" Reed, Sharlene (DDOT)" <> wrote:
From: " Reed, Sharlene (DDOT)" <>
To: 'Kris Hammond' <>
CC: " Keys, Maurice (DDOT)" <>, "
Ricks, Karina (DDOT)"
<>, " Jones, Angylene B. (DDOT)"
<>, " Hardy, Derrick (DDOT)"
" Cherifi, Said (DDOT)" <>
Subject: RE: DDOT requests
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 11:02:20 -0500
Mr. Hammond,
I will take the lead on answering questions which fall under my direct
responsibility, however, several of the issues that you mentioned are
directly the responsibility of other individuals and they have been
identified in the email.  Many of the issues that you mentioned, I know
personally have been addressed before, therefore, the Traffic Specialist
should brief you as to the status of you request.
Angie Jones
(3) Residents are concerned about parking restrictions on the 1800 block of
North Capitol St NE , on the service road. The applicable parking sign states
that there shall be no parking between 7 and 9:30 a.m. during weekdays.
The regulation is an apparent mistake.   The regulation presumably
seeks to reduce congestion during rush hour, but hardly any cars use the
service road during rush hour, because naturally they are headed south, towards
downtown.  I see little use of the service road during the evening rush
hour as well.
Residents who forget to move their vehicles receive $100 fines and the towing
of their vehicles, but the benefit of this regulation (beyond revenue from
the fines) is elusive.
I have contacted DDOT several times in the past (multiple phone calls and
emails) in order to initiate the petition process, but have not received
clear information concerning how to proceed.  I need an approve DDOT
form and/or procedure for changing this regulation.





  1. I got a ticket last friday (8/16) morning so they've been up since at least then.

  2. As a resident on 1800 Block of N. Capitol street, NW I believe this has been there for a while since I have lived on that block. Maybe I am not following but the 7am-930am no parking has always been on the 1800 block of N. Capitol street, NW.

  3. No, they definitely haven't been up ever before last week. I live at N Cap and T NW. I have parked my car on the 1800 block when spots are open for the past couple years when I'm not going to be around to move it for street sweeping, and have never gotten a ticket and I've always thought that it's funny that one little section doesn't have street sweeping or traffic control signs. I parked my car there over the weekend w/o thinking to check since I didn't think it had changed... I just got a ticket this morning, and I was shocked.

  4. So, just to confirm, we're talking about the single block on the NW side of N Capitol between Seaton and S street, right? I ask because I'm on vacation and parked there for the week thinking, like others, that it was still open. Can people confirm that there are now parking signs on the NW side saying to parking during rush hour?


  5. I was thinking we were talking about the block between Seaton and T street. Yes, this block actually has had two men living out of their car on it for a while. Thank you for the heads up! Sorry for the confusion.

  6. Anyone try and contest one of these tickets? A friend of mine just contested on the other side of N Capitol and had the fines reduced from $100 to $25 but not erased because he couldn't prove when the signs went up. Anyone know when the signs officially went up on that section of N Capitol?
