
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Brookland Resident Daniel Wolkoff: "Reject surplussing immediate confrontation with city hacks"

From: Daniel Wolkoff <amglassart @>
Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2013 6:50 PM
Subject: Reject surplussing immediate confrontation with city hacks

let`s connect to washington people for parks asap. Hopefully their landscape architect can help with drawings, site plans of restored mcmillan park, and the website.

So the immediate confrontation is now when the mayor sends his package of info to councilmembers  who will vote to ``surplus`` McMillan, oh excuse me ,,2501 N. Capitol or whatever phony evasive address they want to use.

 This mayor and his deputy henchmen can`t even give an address without manipulation and dishonesty.

The package will include some kind of ``collect community input`` which of course was the farcical NON recording of community input from the church basement meeting with Shiv Newaldass and his secretaries, taking notes. First we should demand to see that public input transcript, like a transparent govt should do.

The other fraud will be the mayor declaring that ``the surplus property is no longer necessary for any public use``. So beside the barbed wire fence and terrible hazards on site, he is going to make a ridculoous statement that there is no public use needed here.

On the first day of new council session,  I`m wondering whether a protest march straight through the center of downtown, from mcmillan to the Wilson building , middle of the week, middle of the day, permits and all, could be our delivery to mayor and each councilmember of real undoctored public comment on surplusssing, and real on paper requests for ``public access``, and various public needs for the park. Lots of coverage of handing our documentation to the councilmembers personally, and the mayor, Hoskins and Jeff Milleer, Harriet Tregonig DEpt of Environment, DPR etc.

Our DEMAND clear as a bell,  VOTE NO SURPLUS, McMillan for  Sustainable DC.

Every single thing that Cecily included in the Sustainable DC report would require saving , restoring, and keeping all of Mcmillan green and available for healthy activities. Like every word of the Sustainable DC report supports NO SURPLUS, restore mcmillan.

We want each councilmember to know ,,vote against surplus, AND submit legislation to study and develop restoration plan,this is our parkland, period,all of it, no shmoozy 50% gobbldygook crap  or we work hard to kick them out of office. We need a constituent in every ward, to go to their councilmember and demand that they represent the interests of the people for restoration, and support the Green DC goals, NOW!!rightnow!!. Submit legislation on our behalf, just like when Kenyan McDuffie refused to have the surplussing suspended or postponed,, then kick Mr. McDuffie out! Each councilmemeber and mayoral candidate will help to restore mcmillan or face opposition. McDuffie  can change his position , we can make his house the first stop on the protest march, give him his copies of the NO SURPLUSSING public comment and public need for the par documentation. Kenyan should be a good neighbor before he is a friend of mega-business developers, and help reject surplussing , and reject the VMP plan which is in every aspect, completely in opposition to the ``Sustainable DC goals``. Notice everything in the Sustainable DC planis new construction, did it even mention adaptive reuse? Did it mention conservation, a 20 acre urbanagriculture,, that is Mcmillan. these people , thee mayor, the council, their staff cannot solve these problems, THEY ARE THE PROBLEM!! The greenest city in america by 2032, my ASS. What will be left to be green? 

Daniel Goldon Wolkoff
Adams Morgan Stained Glass
1231 Randolph Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017
Tel: 202-232-8391

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