
Thursday, August 15, 2013

dog mutilated on the steps of McKinley Tech this past Sunday, 08-11-2013

See this message from an Eckington resident:

This past Sunday afternoon, my cute Jack Russell Terrier and my Shitsu were walking with our leashes and these two individuals Pit bull mutilated my Jack Russell terrier,.   The dog wasn`t on a leash, and made a B line for me and/or my dog and viciously attacked and wounded my dog.  Serious puncture wounds.  After a very expensive vet. Visit, and a few hundred dollars latter, my pet will survive and was very lucky based on the severity of the attack, animal officials stated.  The bad thing is they fled the scene of the crime, didn`t ask how the dog was, and DID not want to exchange information.  I reported this to the police, and to no avail any luck.  And to the Human Society/Animal Control. These owners are extremely irresponsible as pet owners, and there dog is very aggressive/violent, This dog was in full attack mode.  I can`t believe it still.   Please help me in sharing this information with this community. 
P.S.  This happened on the top of the steps of McKinley Charter School.  Sad an mad all in the same breath. 


  1. Can you describe the dog? There are quite a few Pitbulls in the area and not all of them are aggressive. Plus if you give a description of the dog somebody might be able to tell you where the dog lives so the police can follow up on the matter with the owner.

  2. So sad to hear your story. My two cocker spaniels were mauled two years ago while on a walk; my experience with DC Health Department was great; my experience with DC Animal Control was awful. In any other city I have lived in, an unlicensed dog without vaccination against rabies that mauled another dog and attacked a person, puncturing their skin, would have been immediately picked up and probably destroyed. DC Animal Control did nothing.

    I'm happy to share any information I have from my experience if its helpful.

    patoneotropical at gmail dot com

  3. Did you hear about the pitbulls that are kept in the house on the 2200 block of 1st st on the west side of the street? Well these people keep 3 pits in their house. One just had a litter of >5 puppies. Two of the pits got in a fight yesterday in their backyard and one was mortally wounded. Humane society came and euthanize the wounded dog and removed the one that did the damage. These people have let these dogs live in a horrible condition for years and the city won't do anything and WHS can't get the dogs unless the owner surrender the dogs. They are very angry about the fact that their dogs were taken from them and feel no responsibility or remorse about what occurred. Keep your children and pets away from this house

  4. I am willing to bet this is probably not the first time these dogs have been aggressive. You should get a description out there to the public of not only the dogs but the owners and see if anyone else has had issues with these dogs or people and knows where they reside. It is so sad when human scum like those pit bull owners are allowed to roam our city freely and endanger the lives of good people like you and good dogs like yours. I hope they catch the owners and punish them severely for their crimes.

  5. Please also describe the person/people who were "walking" the dogs as not only are there many pitbulls (and the majority of them good dogs), there are many pitbull owners. These were clearly not responsible owners. A description of them coupled with a description of the dogs will help the community identify them. I am so sorry this happened to your little one!
