
Friday, August 09, 2013

Holland_Knight partner Carolyn Brown representing Vision McMillan Partners for the McMillan site

I noticed that Holland and Knight partner Carolyn Brown's name on the McMillan Certificate of Service.  I was unsure of her role. 

I asked Bruce Yarnall of the DC Historic Preservation Office for clarification.  Here is his response:  "The McMillan Reservoir document that has Carolyn Brown’s name on it is the Mayor’s Agent Order that approved the demolition of the two cells. I included the order with the raze letter to let individuals know that the Mayor’s Agent approved the demolition request in advance of our office signing the request – page one of three related to the raze.  She represents the developers for the McMillan site. See her request to the Mayor’s Agent to participate in this hearing. That is why she was included in the list of parties who notified of the Mayor’s Agent decision/order."

You can read her bio here.

Carolyn Brown


  1. I recognize her from the Mayor's Agent hearing. She has also attended at least one HPRB hearing.

  2. mean that all the powers in DC converge? Jeff Trammel and now Holland & Knight? No surprise there. I think we've seen that whatever the big project be it McMillan or Florida Street or whatever, the same folks are behind the curtain pulling the strings. This is why it's so hard to for community orgs to have any say at all no matter how many people sign a petition...and why the mayor can ignore the community's wishes. This is why democracy in the USA is largely a sham at this point. Business and gov't are so cozy these days that there is no room left for civil society. Civil society is the heart of democracy and this kind of crap not only erodes our landscapes and our commons, but it erodes our democracy and our very society. But perhaps i'm a conspiracy theorist? Yeah...
