
Thursday, August 29, 2013

pedestrian's shoulder cut on 100 block of R Street NW; cell phone taken at gunpoint at 2nd & V Street NW

See this info from Fifth District's Mark Beach:

From: "Beach, Mark (MPD)"
To: "MPD-5D @"
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 12:05 PM
Subject: RE: [MPD-5D] Daily Crime Report - 5D

Geovani, see below:

PSA: 501
 CCN: 13-122-522
 RPT DATE: 08/28/2013 08:41 AM
 OFFENSE: Assault W/Dangerous Weapon

The complainant reported to MPD that while walking in the 100 block of R St NW he was approached by a male subject who cut his left shoulder area with an unknown cutting instrument.  The victim fled eastbound while the suspect fled in the opposite direction westbound. The victim was transported to a local hospital with a laceration to his left shoulder by DCFEMS Ambulance # 6.  

PSA: 501
 CCN: 13-122-645
 OFFENSE: Robbery
 LOCATION: Sidewalk
 Date: 08/28/2013 1:15 PM

The complainant reports being approached at the intersection of 2nd and V Street, NW by an individual that produced a handgun and demanded her cellular telephone.  The victim complied and the suspect fled on foot in the 200 block of V Street, NW.  There were no injuries.

Mark Beach
Assistant Patrol District Commander
Metropolitan DC Police Department
Fifth Police District
1805 Bladensburg Road, NE
Washington, DC 20002

From: MPD-5D @ [MPD-5D @] On Behalf Of Geovani A Bonilla
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 7:36 AM
To: MPD-5D @
Subject: Re: [MPD-5D] Daily Crime Report - 5D

Could you please provide location information for PSA 501 reports

Geovani A. Bonilla

On Aug 29, 2013, at 2:51 AM, mpd.reports @ wrote: 

This report contains Part I serious offenses reported in the Fifth District, broken down by PSA, in a 24-hour period. If you experience any computer problems with viewing this data, please reply to this message and explain the problem. See key at the bottom of the page.

 PSA: 501
 CCN: 13122522
 RPT DATE: 08/28/2013 08:41
 OFFENSE: Assault W/Dangerous Weapon
 METHOD: Assault With A Dangerous Weapon
 START DT: 08/28/2013 08:41
 END DT: 08/28/2013 08:41
 PSA: 501
 CCN: 13122645
 RPT DATE: 08/28/2013 13:42
 OFFENSE: Robbery
 METHOD: Robbery
 LOCATION: Sidewalk
 START DT: 08/28/2013 13:15
 END DT: 08/28/2013 13:20


  1. Crime has increased significantly in Bloomingdale north of RI Ave. In the past year, in the past few months, and hugely so in the past few weeks.

    It's time the community discussed the elephant in the room--the Section 8 housing on W St.

    Public housing is essential, but concentrating public housing tenants in large numbers segregated from the rest of the community is a failed model. Integrating individual families who qualify for housing assistance into medium-income apartments and working-class houses eliminates the pathologies created when often troubled individuals are grouped together.

  2. "Integrating individual families who qualify for housing assistance into medium-income apartments and working-class houses eliminates the pathologies created when often troubled individuals are grouped together." how do you do this and where does the money come from to do this? It is very easy to make these statements but implementing this is no easy or short task.

    1. mona, It was implemented very well at the Ellen Wilson Projects on Capitol Hill.

    2. Yes I know, I use to live in that part of Capitol Hill. Do you know how long it took to make that work on the Hill? I was almost 10 yrs before it was done

  3. Exactly! That's why I raised the issue.

    Addressing the situation is going to require a community discussion and community support for achieving it. No one person has the answer. It requires a dialogue and so I am putting it out there in the hope one begins.

  4. It strikes me as rather unfair to imply the recent uptick in crime to a public housing structure that's been there for decades. Has recent arrests shown that they were residents there?

    1. The recent burglaries that were occurring on Adams st were being done by a guy who use to live in the area and had moved to SE. Got that straight from a police officer.
