
Monday, August 05, 2013

warning about two neighborhood pit bulls that attack

See this 08/05/2013 message from a neighborhood dog owner: 
My dog Baron was attacked by two pit bulls last night. They are owned by a woman on 2nd St. She walks them using two heavy chains. They are very aggressive and even fight each other. Please warn people to stay away from them. Luckily Mastiffs have lots of tough skin around their necks. He received flesh wounds that will heal. They have also attacked a person.


  1. Although I agree that those two particular dogs can be aggressive, I have to play devil's advocate here...

    I saw the incident last night, and it did not appear that the mastiff was on a leash as it exited its property through an iron gate. As the woman and the two pits walked on the sidewalk past the mastiff's house, the mastiff and owner were coming out, and it looked to me as though the dogs all simply surprised each other. All three dogs were initially aggressive, but unfortunately one of the pits locked his jaw on the mastiff and wouldn't let go. The mastiff's owner was using the leash to hit the dogs to attempt to separate them- the leash was not on the dog.

    Anyway, as I said, I agree that this woman does not seem to have 100% control over those dogs. But I had just walked by them with my small dog seconds before the incident, and they were not aggressive to me or my dog... I just don't want anyone to jump to conclusions from your post.

    I know it was a scary incident but I don't believe the fault lies only with the woman. It seemed like bad timing mixed with on- and off-leash dogs coming to a confrontation.

  2. I saw the same woman with the two pits last night too. On the corner of 1st and Adams. She appeared to barely have control of these dogs. They lunged at a guy that had a Rhodesian ridgeback, but he had his dog on leash and was able to cross the street and avoid them. I agree with Lindsey above that you need to have your dog on a leash at all times but you also need to be able to control your dog and this woman had minimal control of these pits.
