
Monday, September 16, 2013

DDOT Bloomingdale Community Update from Chancee Lundy

From: Chancee Lundy <>
To: wanda foster; tj Quinn; "Williams, Marchim (EOM)" <>
Cc: "Strange, Alfred (DDOT)" ; Veronica Davis <>
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 5:12 PM
Subject: Bloomingdale Community Update

Teri and Wanda,
I have attached an update for the Bloomingdale community. I will also bring printed copies to the community meeting tonight. Please distribute.
Chanceé Lundy 
Partner/Principal Environmental Manager
Nspiregreen, LLC 
601 Pennsylvania Ave NW | South Building, Suite 900 
Washington, DC 20004
Twitter: @NspiregreenLLC 
Facebook: NspiregreenLLC

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