
Saturday, September 21, 2013

meet-and-greet for DC mayoral candidate Muriel Bowser -- in Bloomingdale -- Thursday, 10-10-2013

I received in the mail this afternoon an invitation for a mayoral candidate meet-and-greet in Bloomingdale. 
Here is the text of the flier:
Muriel 2014
Democrat for Mayor
Please join us
(Host Committee in Formation):
Joan and Joseph Bowser
Marvin Bowser
Wanda Sherrod [Bloomingdale resident]
Karen Todd
Tony Dugger
Delano Hunter
Rick Lee
David Merriweather
To support
Muriel Bowser
for Mayor
Ward 5 Kickoff
Thursday, October 10, 2013
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
2401 1st Street NW
(corner of 1st and Bryant Street NW)
Washington, DC
RSVP at (202) - 832 - 0403 or info @
Suggested contribution $51
Credit/Debit/Checks payable to: Muriel Bowser for Mayor
A copy of this report is filed with the Director of Campaign Finance
Paid for by Muriel for Mayor, Ben Soto, Treasurer 

1 comment:

  1. I like Muriel Bowser just as much as the next person so I tell this story with a certain heaviness in my heart because she has really disappointed me and I think all should be made aware of this. In Ward 4 where she is currently the CouncilWoman there is a house ,1345 Taylor st NW, where a very shady organization is attempting to put in a group home. This isn't a group home for disabled people this is a group home for what the owner refers to as "Jail Diversion". The home will house males between the age of 16-20. It is a non-abstinence program which means it will not require the individuals to not or restrain themselves of drugs or alcohol. There will be no drug testing. On the 1200 block of Taylor there are 3 social services programs. One is Green Door which is a very responsible community service the other is a parole office and the other provides some other social service of which the neighbors are not sure of. The area is overly saturated with social services. Also things on the 1300 block of Taylor st NW have been very bad for the past 10yrs at least. There have been multiple shootings, assault of a police officer and 3 active drug houses. Now you ask what does this have to do with Muriel Bowser? Well you would think she is saying the same thing. She has been very unresponsive to the communities concerns about the group home. She has delayed and delayed and delayed in order for the group home to get set up so that no on can do anything about it once it is in place. The people in that neighborhood have reached out to her officer repeatedly and have been told to basically shut up and stop asking them or any other office in the DC government for assistance and not to reach out to any other councilman for help. Now the company that is trying to put in this group home has 2 in the city already and they have a history of guns being found on their wards and assault of a police office and multiple robberies by these same people in their community. It seems as though Muriel Bowser is supporting this company and DYRS to put this facility in place. Here is the real clincher about the location of this group home...It is directly behind Powell Elementary School and Bowser has no problem with that fact. The parents at Powell are irate and very disturbed by all this but yet again it is crickets from Bowsers office. Just thought people would like to hear about this before attending a fundraiser for her. Prior to knowing this I would have been very glad to contribute post signs in my yard and do whatever to get her elected to mayor. Sadly that is not what I will be doing and neither will a vast section of the neighborhood surrounding the 1300 block of Taylor St NW. Just remember if she will allow this in her own ward what will she allow in the city as a whole. If you want to read more about this go to the website and read and sign the petition if you support the people of the 1300 block of Taylor St NW
