
Friday, September 13, 2013

Scratchy the Cat looking for a new home

See this request from a Bloomingdale resident:

I'm looking for someone to adopt Scratchy, a former alley cat I adopted and lived with for 2 years.  He became a great inside-outside cat.  I am relocating in 2 weeks, and am wondering if anyone in the neighborhood would be interested in adopting him.
He's a street-smart, intelligent cat that likes to hang out with people, and he's also an outside cat. He prefers to feed inside and sleep indoors near people, but loves to spend time outside.
Scratchy is box-trained, and will also use the outside, so he would be fine in any living situation as long as he has human company and a primary caretaker.          
He is probably around 7 years old.  He's very clean, and constantly self-grooming.  He's been fixed, and has his shots, and is seen by Dr. Gagney at City Paws. 
I would like to find him a home within 10 days.  Contact me at jonathandruy at

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