
Friday, September 13, 2013

Ward 5 Report (dated 09-13-2013)

From: Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie <>
Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 12:22 PM
Subject: The Ward 5 Report: Office of Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie

The Ward 5 Report: Office of Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie
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The Ward 5 Report:
Office of Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie
September 13, 2013
Dear Ward 5 Residents,

I was outraged to learn about the horrible practices reported in the recent Washington Post series highlighting the serious problems in the District’s current tax sales process. Such practices taken against our most vulnerable residents – our senior citizens, veterans and the disabled – will not be tolerated. It is important that the Council takes action to ensure that adequate safeguards are created and that these types of incidents do not reoccur.

Next week, I will co-introduce emergency legislation that would freeze any tax sale that has occurred for residents who are senior citizens, veterans, or disabled; cap any attorney fees at $1,500; and establish a $2,000 threshold of taxes owed for a property to go to tax sale. I will continue to work with my Council colleagues to make sure that we are taking the proper steps to protect all of our residents and to ensure that the District’s most vulnerable are able to keep their homes.

Ward 5 Highlights:

 Askale Café 2
Councilmember McDuffie visits with the owners of Askale Café in the Brookland community

Royal Family Block Party 
Councilmember McDuffie participates in the Royal Family Block Party in Trinidad

Edgewood community day 
Councilmember McDuffie and his wife Princess visit with residents in the Edgewood community during their annual community day.

Family & Community Day at Taft/Dwight Mosley Athletic Complex
On September 28, the Advisory Neighborhood Commission for Single Member District 5B02 will be celebrating its Family and Community Day at Taft/Dwight Mosley Athletic Complex, located on 18th & Otis Streets, N.E., from 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. All Ward 5 residents are encouraged to attend. For donation and volunteer information, please contact Marian Thomas at (202) 832-2376 or
Healthy Food Retail Program Grant Opportunity

The Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD) is soliciting applications from qualified organizations to manage its Healthy Food Retail Program. Through this grant, DSLBD will fund the expanded access of healthy foods within small food retailers in eligible areas of the District. A grant of $250,000 will be awarded to one organization to establish and operate a commercial distribution system which provides fresh produce and healthy foods to small food retail stores.
Applications are due on October 10, 2013, at 4 pm. The grant recipient will be selected through a competitive application process and announced in November 2013. Download the Program Guidelines to view all the requirements. For more information, click here.
Reminder: Metro to host public hearings on proposed bus service changes
The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) is evaluating service changes for several of its bus routes and will hold six public hearings between September 16 and 19. For each location, an Open House period will begin at 6:00 p.m., and the formal Public Hearing will begin at 6:30 p.m. All service change proposals in the docket are eligible for comment at any of the six hearing locations.
Dates and locations for the DC meeting are:
Tuesday, September 17
The D.C. Office of Tax and Revenue2nd Floor Conference Room
1101 4th Street SW
Washington, DC
Thursday, September 19
LaSalle Elementary School Auditorium
501 Riggs Road NE
Washington, DC

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