
Monday, September 30, 2013

woman assaulted at the 300 block of T St NW early this morning, Monday, 09-30-2013

See this Monday, 09-30-2013 message from a Bloomingdale resident:
Bloomingdale Community, I'd like to share that I was assaulted while I was walking to the Howard University Metro stop early this morning on T Street, NW, between 3rd and 4th Streets NW.  At approximately 5:50 a.m., a jogger passed me, surprising and startling me.  I slightly jumped but felt calm when I realized he was only a jogger.  He jogged passed me, stopped at the corner, and began stretching.  As I passed him, I slightly glanced at him in acknowledgement as I passed him.  Shortly after I passed him, he approached me from behind and reached under my dress into my underwear. I was so startled and screamed very loudly so the man ran away.  I was immediately heard and assisted by another passerby and neighbor (who came out of his home), both of whom attempted to find the assailant.  They were unable to find him.  The passerby was about 1/2 block behind me and had witnessed the assailant walking behind me. The passerby seems convinced that the assailant had followed me for two blocks (and the passerby actually quickened his own pace to catch up with me in case I needed help because he felt something wasn't right).
I believe the assailant to be a Hispanic male in his late 30's.  He was approximately 5'8"/5'9", medium/athletic build (160 lbs or so), fair-skinned, very short (but not cropped) black hair, and square face.  He was wearing a white tee shirt and light gray jogging pants.  This description was also confirmed by the passerby.
I have reported it to DC Police and the two police officers and two detectives who arrived on the scene have been extremely responsive and helpful.  They have opened an active investigation and are regarding this violation as a 'sexual assault'.  I am very thankful to them, as well as the passerby and neighbor who immediately helped me.
I share this with all of you so that are aware.  While it wasn't dawn yet, I was walking on well-lit T Street and the assault happened on a well-lit corner with a traffic signal.  I wasn't wearing headphones and generally feel relatively aware of my surroundings.  However, I am a petite and small-framed woman in my 30s and I know that I am lucky that I did not experience serious bodily harm. I have own my condo in Bloomingdale and have peacefully and safely lived here for the past two years but this incident has made me feel very nervous. Please be careful out there no matter what time of day and please always be aware of those around you.


  1. See this comment from Tula:

    Very sorry this happened to you, but so glad it wasn`t worse. Thank you for taking time to let the community know. Your description of the man sounds very much like the man masturbating in Bloomingdale Court a few weeks ago. That man also was following a woman before he engaged in his action, and I saw him before he went into Bloomingdale Court. If it is the same man, which I believe it is, his actions are getting bolder. I hope the police will now be on the lookout for him and can prevent a further escalation of his actions. Also, T Street NW, between 3rd and 4th Sts., has had frequent gun hold ups. If the police had been staking out the area, they obviously weren`t this morning.

  2. See this 2nd comment -- from a T Street NW resident:

    I was sorry to hear about the assault yesterday morning on T Street. The 300 block of T Street NW is a very dangerous area. About a year ago, I was pushed down at about 6:30 a.m. in an attempted mugging by an approximately 19 year old black male. I shouted at him and he sauntered off and I went on to work. I did not make a police report, I now wish that I had.

    A long term male resident of T Street NW
