
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Yoga District needs your vote

From: "Jasmine, Yoga District"
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 11:36 AM
Subject: yoga needs your vote

While we'd be honored for your vote in the Express this year, we're more honored when you cast your vote for yoga by showing up to class. Whether it's at Yoga District, another studio, or your living room, what matters is the act of practicing. There is no such thing as a "best yoga studio." It takes all kinds of studios to serve all kinds of people. So please vote for yoga by practicing any- and every where.
By practicing, you might experience a bit of peace. Even if it lasts just for a moment, the experience will effect the rest of your day and everyone around you. The effects of our collective practices helps make DC a better place to exist.
Yoga District's call to serve you is founded on the belief that all beings have the right to be peaceful. So we're just staying focused on our mission of making high quality yoga accessible to all. By the people, for the people, we rely on your support to keep this community-run project going.
5 Yoga Classes
Here's what some community members are saying about Yoga District teachers this year:
"It is intriguing that having lived my entire life in India I found my favorite yoga studio in the US. I have attended classes, workshops and retreats at YD and found a community that I love! Aqeel’s classes teach me to be kind to myself and everyone without exception!" -Smita "I had never heard of restorative yoga before, but now Stephanie's restorative class is my favorite Friday evening commitment to myself. Her gentle guidance and encouragement soothes the soul and I always leave her class feeling completely uplifted."
"Paul made sure my form was correct without making me feel like the purple elephant in the room. Everyone seemed super sweet and accommodating on my first visit, and the relaxation session at the end was awesome!"
"I just wanted to say how wonderful an experience I had in Kelly's class. She was loving, warm, and introduced herself to me and just made the mood right. She obviously loves her practice and has a lot to share."

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