
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Yoga District: new fall teacher trainings, weekend yoga retreat, yoga for runners

From: Jasmine at Yoga District <>
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2013 10:46 AM
Subject: new fall teacher trainings, weekend yoga retreat, yoga for runners

Weekend Yoga
Summer's gone, but the holidays are still far away. You're probably ready for a chance to recharge and let go. Join leading Yoga District teachers Hannah Allerdice, Mike Graglia, and Ashley Evans for a retreat in Winchester, VA on October 18-20. You won't have to think about anything but yoga and relaxation-- delicious meals, accommodations, hammocks and plenty of beautiful scenery will be provided. You can join as few, or as many, asana classes as you like, reconnect with Mother Nature, chant, meditate, and enjoy group Thai massage classes.

Yoga for 
If you like to run or just want to start running more, learn how to focus your yoga practice to get the most out of your running practice. Whatever motivates you to lace up your running shoes, please join us for an extended vinyasa/slow-flow practice geared specifically towards runners. This workshop focuses primarily on stretching the lower body (hips, hamstrings, IT band, quads, hamstrings, calves, and feet), and strengthening the core for a complete balanced workout. Some yoga experience is helpful but not required. Saturday, Oct. 5th or Sunday, Oct. 20 at Bloomingdale.

Float, Jump, 
Invert, Breathe

As the seasons change, we can all use a little lesson in breath, movement and transition. Join Marie Belle on Sunday, Oct. 6th, for the Transitioning with Ease workshop where you will learn techniques that will engage the core principles of floating and flying that are practiced in Ashtanga Yoga and Rocket Yoga. This class is designed to uplift your vitality to help you transition between poses with ease for a life-enhancing practice that will help you carry your newfound grace into all of life's transitions.

Grow Your Teaching Practice With Us

In 200-hour yoga teacher trainings, some people find all the new material they learn overwhelming. Our affordable 500-hour training helps teachers continue to integrate this material so they can express and embody the deeper teachings of yoga more effectively. The 500-hour training is designed for teachers who have attended a 200 hour training and is led by some of your favorite Yoga District teachers -- Marie Belle, Kat, Bernie, Jasmine, Aqeel, Hannah, Kelly, Julia and Mike Graglia. Offered from November 2 -December 15, this training shares new ways to apply your teaching skills for a more advanced yoga teaching career. You'll finish the program as a more multifaceted teacher, more prepared to serve a wide variety of students.

Learn Levity:
Laughter Yoga
Laugh-A-Yoga is coming to Yoga District on 14th St. on Oct. 5. Sound silly? That's because it is. This DC Laughter Yoga Workshop is a benefit for our friends at Yoga Activist, and it's seriously fun. Laughter Yoga is powerful, healing and revolutionary. Promoting vitality, an uplifted mood and breathing, this workshop contributes to your health and well-being, as well as your creativity and confidence.

Equal Access 
to Yoga
What drives you to go to yoga? Is it for health, empowerment or balance? While many of us can get on the mat at a studio, there are some in our community who are in true need of the healing power of yoga, but are not as lucky to have access to yoga teachers. That's where Yoga Activist comes in. They support yoga outreach to underserved communities. And they could use your help.

Fresh from the 

Pick up healthy, affordable food weekly, and support organic, local farmers by signing up for the fall Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Fruit and Vegetable Share. The shares will run from the week of November 4th through the week of December 16th. Full Shares are $210, half shares are $133. There is also a vegan bread share of $39. Get ready for some fresh, amazing produce. Pick up will be at the 14th street studio.


P.S. We can't thank you all enough for nominating Yoga District, once again, for the The Express Best Of. If you enjoy attending our classes, love our teachers and students and support YD's mission to provide yoga (and happiness) for all, and you feel like giving us a shout-out, we appreciate your vote. Thanks for your love.

"To perform every action artfully is yoga" - Swami Kripalu
"You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection." - Buddha  
"Realize deeply that the present moment is all you will ever have." - Eckhart Tolle


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