
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

John Salatti: rat summits

From: John T. Salatti
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 2:23 PM
Subject: Rat Summits

The Department of Health is beginning a round of Rat Summits around the city to deal with a rising tide of rat problems.  Below is the flyer for the first summit on November 9.  Although it is the Ward One summit, Bloomingdalians concerned about rats may want to consider attending because the Columbia Heights location may be as close to the neighborhood as the eventual Ward Five location.


Department of Health


The D.C. Department of Health (DOH) is sponsoring a one day Rat Summit in each of the city’s eight (8) wards starting Saturday, November 9, 2013, in Ward One. Business owners, residents, neighborhood associations and community leaders are all welcomed to attend.
What prompted the Rat Summits?
DOH has received a number of citizens’ complaints about the increased rat presence throughout the city. In an attempt to abate the rat population, the Department would like to provide information and education to community groups, residents, and business owners on topics such as proper waste storage, rodent proofing, and their ability to assist with rodent abatement.
DOH has a number of featured guests and speakers lined up for the Summits. Councilmember Jim Graham, Ward One representative; Mr. Robert Corrigan, PhD. author of Rodent Control, A Practical Guide For Pest Management Professionals. Mr. Corrigan has authored more than seventy technical publications on pest control and the principal the “Development of IPM Rodent Plan.” Featured presenters ar Dr. Joxel Garcia, Director e Mr. William Howland, Director, the Department of Public Works; Mr. Nicholas Majett, Director, the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs. The Directors will discuss their agencies role in reducing rats in the District.
The first Rat Summit will be held Saturday, November 9, 2013 at 10:00 A.M. at the Columbia Heights Community Center, 1480 Girard Street N.W.
John T. Salatti
(202) 986-2592
"Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale"

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