
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Vision McMillan Partners | Building design open house – Saturday, 11-16-2013

From: Dianne Barnes <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 10:53 AM
Subject: Fw: VMP | Building design open house Saturday 11/16/2013

Community Awareness: 

Sorry if there's a duplication to receiving this message, but it is meant for residents who are not on the original distribution list below.  Please share with your neighbors.


At the HPRB's Hearing is the time to voice your opinions on the Historical Preservation Review Board's concerns only.  If you wish to provide a testimony (written or in person) or to attend the hearing, I suggest that you review the messages from Anne Corbett below for more detailed information.

On Saturday, Nov 16th, at the upcoming McMillan Developmental Project Open House, VMP will have four stations and they will collect feedback from participants on the building designs and other project impacts. 

As the MAG's (McMillan Advisory Group) Chairperson, I would like to hear from all residents and ask that you come out to provide your input on the updated plans during the hearing (Oct 31st) and/or the open house presentation. 

Please see the list below:

1. Community Center and Park
2. Row Homes
3. Multi-Family/Grocery (to include Senior Building)
4. Healthcare Facilities

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require more information.

Dianne Barnes  
5E Chairperson (5E09)
McMillan Advisory Group Member

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