
Monday, October 28, 2013

VMP passed along the favorable HPO report on VMP's lastest McMillan master plan revisions

See this message from Vision McMillan Partners' Tania Jackson:

From: Tania Jackson <>
Reply-To: Tania Jackson <>
Date: Saturday, October 26, 2013 3:20 AM
Subject: HPO Report
Earlier this month, VMP submitted revised plans for McMillan that address the remaining concerns raised by the Historic Preservation Review Board at the June hearing.  The Historic Preservation Officer has posted their report on the new designs and it's pretty fabulous news.
Key highlights include the following direct quotes:
"(T)he latest version of the master plan represents a significant improvement over previous versions and now retains the significant above-grade topographical, architectural and engineering features that were identified by the Board as the most important."
"The revised master plan would retain significant character-defining features of the landmark sufficient to convey its historic character." 
The report recommends, specifically, that the Board "find the concept designs to represent an architecturally coordinated and cohesive approach that specifically relates to the character of the McMillan site."
If you would like to come support the project at the hearing, please let me know-- email me at  We'd love to see you at HPRB, but if you miss that, please be sure to join us at the Open House on November 16th. 
Thanks for your continued support,
Tania Jackson
Neighborhood Outreach Coordinator
Envision McMillan
McMillan HPO report - 2501 First Street NW - 2013 10 13.pdf by Scott Roberts

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