
Friday, October 18, 2013

Ward 5 Report (dated 10-18-2013); mentions Bloomingdale's House Tour and Art Show

From: "Jackson, Darrell (Council)" <>
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Sent: Friday, October 18, 2013 3:04 PM
Subject: [ward5] The Ward 5 Report: Office of Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie


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The Ward 5 Report
Office of Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie
October 18, 2013
 Ward 5 Highlights 
Councilmember McDuffie meets with Metro Transit Police Department
Meeting with MTPD 
Councilmember McDuffie meeting with Metro Transit Police Department’s Chief, Ronald Pavlik
On Wednesday, October 16, Councilmember McDuffie met with Metro Transit Police Department (MTPD), Chief Ronald Pavlik, to discuss MTPD’s October 2013 Security Report. The report highlighted that two Ward 5 Metro Stations, Brookland/Catholic University of America and Rhode Island Avenue, were among the top 10 stations with the highest crime in the District-Maryland-Virginia area. The report highlighted that from January through August, there were 450 thefts — up 37 percent for the same time period a year earlier. In addition, bicycle thefts are up by 50 percent this year.
Chief Pavlik and Councilmember McDuffie discussed in great detail current actions taken by MTPD to address public safety concerns. In addition to an increase in both uniform and plain-clothes officer patrols, MTPD is overseeing a citywide campaign to educate riders on preventative measures one can take to avoid having your personal belongings, particularly cell phones, stolen. Due to the high volume of bicycle thefts, MTPD is offering riders the opportunity to trade their old locks in for new ones. MTPD is also proactively registering bicycles, which riders can do online here:
If you have any public safety concerns or would like more information, please contact MTPD at (202) 962-2121.
Councilmember McDuffie attends My Sister’s Place 4th Annual Power of the Purse
  My Sister's Place

On October 16, Councilmember McDuffie attended a fundraiser for My Sister’s Place, the oldest domestic violence shelter in the District of Columbia. The 4
th annual event, “Power of the Purse,” took place on the Rooftop Terrace at 101 Constitution Avenue, NW, where attendees celebrated the determined spirit of survivors of domestic violence and the important role that women play in our economy.

In addition to recognizing the only domestic violence shelter in DC that offers a full continuum of care from immediate crisis on its hotline through transitional-to-permanent housing, the event also recognized Councilmember McDuffie for introducing the “Protecting Victims of Gender-Based Violence Amendment Act of 2013.” Details of the bill can be found in the legislative update, below.
Councilmember McDuffie Holds a Joint Hearing on the Financing of Undergrounding Power Lines
 This week, Councilmember McDuffie met with City Administrator Allen Lew and Joe Rigby, Pepco’s CEO, to discuss the city’s proposal to underground the District’s power lines. Councilmember McDuffie raised important questions about the impact and cost of undergrounding on residents, and underscored the need for greater reliability, particularly in Ward 5. The Councilmember also emphasized that DC residents and local businesses must have top priority for opportunities associated with the project.
On Monday, October 21 at 11 a.m. the Committee on Government Operations and the Committee on Finance and Revenue will convene a joint public hearing on B20-0387, the “Electric Company Infrastructure Improvement Financing Act of 2013,” also known as the “Undergrounding Bill.” This legislation is the result of the Mayor’s taskforce and aims to provide the legislative framework to implement and fund the undergrounding of several electric feeder lines in the District. Undergrounding has been a topic of concern for many Ward 5 residents, and this hearing will be an opportunity for residents to comment on the legislation. Additional details can be found here.
Legislative Updates
Councilmember McDuffie Introduces the “Protecting Victims of Gender-Based Violence Amendment Act of 2013”
At this week’s Committee of the Whole meeting, Councilmember McDuffie introduced the “Protecting Victims of Gender-Based Violence Amendment Act of 2013.” The bill amends the District’s Human Rights Act to include “status as a victim or family member of a victim” of domestic violence, sexual abuse, and stalking as a class of persons protected from employment discrimination. Councilmember McDuffie worked closely with advocates from the D.C. Coalition Against Domestic Violence in crafting the legislation and also spoke on Wednesday evening at a Gala honoring My Sister’s Place. The bill was co-introduced by Councilmembers Alexander, Bonds, Bowser, Cheh, Graham, Grosso, and Chairman Mendelson, and co-sponsored by Councilmembers Barry, Catania, and Evans. More information on the bill is available on the Councilmember’s website. 
Committee Updates 
This Week’s Committee on Government Operations Hearings
 This week, the Committee on Government Operations convened a public hearing on B20-418, the “Renewable Energy Standard Portfolio Amendment Act of 2013” and B20-346 the “Public Service Commission and People’s Counsel Terms of Harmonization Amendment Act of 2013.”
 The purpose of the “Renewable Energy Standard Portfolio Amendment Act of 2013” is to amend the District’s Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) to exclude the use of “black liquor” (a by-product of the papermaking process) as a source of Renewable Energy Credits (REC). The bill would also increase the efficiency standards for power generating facilities (who use biomass – which can be yard waste, wood waste, used pallets etc.) seeking certification as a REC provider. The Committee received very informative testimony both from environmental advocates (including a Ward 5 resident), and industry advocates.
 The purpose the “Public Service Commission and People’s Counsel Terms of Harmonization Amendment Act of 2013” is to provide the Mayor with the ability to appoint Commissioners to the Public Service Commission for full four year terms, and to extend the People’s Counsel’s term to four years. Currently, the Mayor can only appoint a new Commissioner to a four year term if the previous Commissioner’s term has fully expired. Additionally, the Mayor may only nominate a People’s Counsel to a three year term. The bill received resounding support from all the witnesses who appeared and/or submitted testimony.
 If you wish to submit testimony for either of these bills, the record will remain open until October 29, 2013 and you may submit it directly to Ronan Gulstone, via e-mail at
Upcoming Committee on Government Operations Public Hearings 
Additionally, on Monday, October 21 at 3 p.m. the Committee on Government Operations will convene a public hearing on B20-505 the “Critical Infrastructure Freedom of Information Amendment Act of 2013.” This measure, co-introduced by Councilmember McDuffie and Chairman Mendelson, would amend the District’s Administrative Procedure Act to protect certain critical infrastructure information.
 These public hearings will be held in Room 412 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW. The Committee invites the public to testify or to submit written testimony, which will be made a part of the official record. Anyone wishing to testify at the hearing should contact Ronan Gulstone, Committee Director at (202) 724-8028 or via e-mail at
DCBOEE Public Hearing on Proposed Realignment of Voting Precincts, Multiple Dates  
The Board of Elections is proposing to realign all voting precinct boundaries in the District to correspond with existing Advisory Neighborhood Commission Single-Member District (SMD) boundary lines and to revise the precinct numbering system to associate each precinct to its designated ward. These new voting precinct boundaries will eliminate the existing precinct splits that divide your SMD area into multiple voting precincts.
You are invited to submit written comments on the proposed boundaries contained in the
Plan to the Board of Elections by Wednesday, October 30, 2013. Members of the public are also invited to participate in the public hearings on the Plan to be held on Friday, October 18, 2013 at 10 a.m. in the Office of Zoning Hearing Room, 2nd Floor South, One Judiciary Square and Thursday, October 24, 2013 at 6 p.m. in the Old Council Chambers, 1st Floor South Lobby, One Judiciary Square.
For more information or to review the plan, please visit DC BOEE’s website at:
Non-Commercial Driver License (NCDL) Third Party Road Test Program
To provide an option to those who need to take the road test sooner than an in-house appointment is available, DC DMV offers third party testing for the non-commercial driver license (NCDL) road test. All third party testers are trained and certified by DC DMV.  For more information on the requirements or list of driving schools which currently provide certification for the District’s road test, please visit DMV’s website at:
DDOT to Share Draft Transportation Plan During Final Public Workshops 
The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will host its third and final public workshop to discuss moveDC, DDOT's initiative to develop a strategic, multimodal long range transportation plan for the District. You are encouraged to attend a workshop to review the draft plan and help prioritize the transportation options. For more information on the draft plan or upcoming workshops, please visit DDOT’s website at:
Biannual Bloomingdale House Tour on Saturday, October 19
  Bloomingdale Open House
The biannual Bloomingdale House Tour is organized by the Bloomingdale Civic Association. All funds raised from the Tour go towards scholarships for neighborhood residents, historical preservation activities, and other general BCA purposes. The ticket office is open from 1 PM to 5P PM on the day of the tour. Tickets may also be purchased in advance and online at the Brown Paper Tickets page. All houses on the Tour are open from 1 PM to 6 PM on the day of the Tour. To help you plan your visits, a Tour Guide containing a neighborhood map and more information about the houses featured will be provided as part of the ticket price. The Tour also seeks to highlight the numerous artists, artisans, and designers in Bloomingdale.
Eckington Cleanup
  Eckington Clean Up
Please join volunteers and members of the Eckington Civic Association this Saturday, October 19, for the Fall Clean Up. Volunteers will be meeting at Harry Thomas Sr. Recreation Center, located at 1743 Lincoln Road, NE, beginning at 10 a.m.
 Ward 5 Events
Councilmember McDuffie, or a member of his staff, will attend the following events: 
Monday, October 21 –The Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting will take place at the St. George’s Episcopal Church, located at 160 U Street, NW, beginning at 7:00 p.m.

Monday, October 21
–The Queen Chapel Civic Association meeting will take place at the Union Wesley AME Zion Church, located at 1860 Michigan Avenue, N.E., beginning at 7:00 p.m.

Monday, October 21
–The Gateway Civic Association meeting will take place at the Victory Christian Church, located at 3100 Adams Street, N.E., beginning at 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, October 22
– The Trinidad Neighborhood Association meeting will take place at the Trinidad Recreation Center, located at 1350 Childress Street, N.E., beginning at 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, October 23
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5A's monthly meeting will take place at the University of the District of Columbia’s Bertie Backus Campus, located at: 5171 South Dakota Avenue NE, beginning at 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, October 23 –
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5B's monthly meeting will take place at the Slowe School Demountable Trailer, located at 1322 Irving Street NE, beginning at 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, October 24
–The 5D Citizens Advisory Council meeting will take place at the MPD’s 5D Station, located at 1860 Bladensburg Road, N.E., beginning at 7 p.m. 

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