
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

DC voting precinct realignment proposal DC BOEE hearing tomorrow, Thursday, 11-21-2013

I attended last night's always animated ANC 5E meeting.

One of the topics of discussion was the possible realignment of the DC voting precincts to map to the ANC single member district (SMD) boundaries, more or less.

I tweeted at the meeting -- and received replies from DC BOEE.

Scott Roberts@ScottRobertsDC
At #ANC5E mtg: @DCBOEE guy - voting precinct boundary realignment proposal - align precincts with ANC boundaries; asks for feedback - 20 Nov
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@ScottRobertsDC Thanks! Public is welcome @DCBOEE hearing to discuss proposal on Thurs. Or you can submit written commentary until Nov. 30.

Scott Roberts@ScottRobertsDC
At #ANC5E mtg: @DCBOEE guy - voting precinct boundary realignment proposal - align precincts with ANC boundaries; asks for feedback - 20 Nov
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@ScottRobertsDC Info about public hearings

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