
Friday, November 15, 2013

upcoming DC Water Irving Street Green Infrastructure project

From: Emanuel D. Briggs <>
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2013 1:31 PM
Subject: RE: Upcoming DC Water Project-Irving Street Green Infrastructure



By way of this email I am sharing with you important information regarding our Irving Street Green Infrastructure project.

As part of DC Water’s Clean Rivers Project and medium-term flood mitigation efforts in the Bloomingdale neighborhood, we will be installing a series of bioretention cells along Irving Street, between Michigan Avenue and North Capitol Street. These cells will help reduce storm-water runoff through capture, infiltration and treatment before it enters the sewer system. The Irving Street Green Infrastructure project was previously discussed in conjunction with the First Street Tunnel Project during briefings with Councilmember McDuffie and presentations to ANC 5E, Bloomingdale and Stronghold Civic Associations.

The proposed schedule of work for this project is November 2013 through April 2014, and much of the work will be performed during daytime hours, from 7:00am – 7:00pm.

This and other important information on the project may be found on the attached project information sheet, which will be made available on DC Water’s website soon. We also ask that you please post this project information to your respective community list serves, blogs, and other social media.

Thanks much, and please let me know if you have any questions.

Have a wonderful day!
Emanuel D. Briggs | Manager, Community Outreach, External Affairs | District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority |
5000 Overlook Avenue, SW | Washington, DC 20032 | (202) 787-2003 | (202) 341-7952 (cell) | (202) 787-4122 (fax)
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