
Friday, December 06, 2013

Ward 5 Report (dated 12-06-2013)

From: Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie <>
Sent: Friday, December 6, 2013 2:20 PM
Subject: The Ward 5 Report: Office of Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie

McDuffie Banner

John A. Wilson Building

1350 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 506

Washington, DC 20004

(202) 724-8028

The Ward 5 Report

December 6, 2013

Ward 5 Highlights

Food and Friends
Councilmember McDuffie volunteering with Food and Friends over the holidays.

Councilmember McDuffie’s Statement on the Passing of Nelson Mandela

Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie issued the following statement on the passing of former South African President Nelson Mandela:
“Nelson Mandela was a transformational figure for the entire world who taught us about peace and forgiveness, and reminded us to be our better selves. The world is a better place because of Nelson Mandela’s sacrifices and triumphs. His contributions to humanity exceed national boundaries, race, and ethnicity.
During this time of international mourning, I wish to share my deepest sympathies with Nelson Mandela’s family and the people of South Africa.”

Legislative & Committee Updates

This week, the Council had a productive legislative meeting, where a number of Councilmember McDuffie’s bills were adopted by the Council.

The Council Passed the Following Bills that Were Authored by Councilmember McDuffie

The Council unanimously approved a major campaign finance reform bill that was introduced and moved through the Council by Councilmember McDuffie.   The bill closes fundraising loopholes and includes new transparency measures to enhance the integrity of District elections.
The Campaign Finance Reform and Transparency Amendment Act of 2013 (B20-76) does the following:
  • Closes a loophole that allowed business owners to make greater campaign contributions than other donors;
  • Requires campaign finance training for candidates & treasurers;
  • Provides greater oversight of lobbyists;
  • Increases the range of conduct subject to newly heightened civil and criminal penalties and provides prosecutorial authority for certain conduct to Office of the Attorney General;
  • Caps money order and cash contributions at $100;
  • Requires campaigns to report fundraising data online and instructs the Office of Campaign Finance to publish that information on its website in downloadable form within 24 hours of receipt.
The Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Amendment Act of 2013 (B20-116) B20-0116 provides the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability with the authority to issue advisory opinions on the initiative of the Director of Government Ethics, and expands the range of penalties that may be imposed for a violation of the District’s Code of Conduct.
The Prohibition on Government Employee Engagement in Political Activity Amendment Act of 2013 (B20-117) B20-0117 harmonizes the District’s local Hatch Act with federal law. The bill clarifies the role District government employees can take in elections and political campaigns.
The Funeral and Memorial Service Leave Amendment Act of 2013 (B20-235) This bill allows DC government employees to take up to three days off without loss of or reduction in pay, accrued leave, or service, to make arrangements for – or attend the funeral or memorial service of—an immediate relative. Currently, employees can only take one day without a reduction in leave. The bill also expands the definition of an “immediate relative” to ensure that important familial relationships are not excluded.
District of Columbia Distillery Pub Licensure Act of 2013 (B20-029) - The bill authorizes a distillery pub permit for an establishment that manufactures alcoholic spirits for on-premises consumption, resale to other licensees, or sale to patrons for off-premises consumption. The bill essentially allows for the combination of a restaurant and distillery. Typically, the restaurant would feature the spirits brewed at the distillery. The legislation creates a category of licenses identical to brewpubs and winepubs, which are already established law in DC.
Manufacturers’ Sunday Sale Amendment Act of 2013 (B20-197) – The bill allows manufacturers (breweries, distilleries, and wineries) to sell and deliver alcoholic beverages to between 7am and midnight, seven days a week. The current laws do not allow manufacturers to sell their products on Sundays, which significantly hampers this growing industry.
Manufacturer Tasting Permit Amendment of 2013 (B20-234) – The bill authorizes appropriately licensed manufacturers to offer tastings of spirits and beers between 1:00 pm and 9:00 pm, seven days per week. Currently, tastings are only authorized Thursday through Saturday.

Councilmember McDuffie Introduced the Following Bills

Disposition of District Land for Affordable Housing Amendment Act of 2013 – The bill requires affordable housing set-asides whenever District-owned land is sold to a developer for private multi-family residential development.  Under the bill, when public land is sold or leased for private multi-family development, at least 30% of the new units must be affordable if the property is near a Metro station, major bus route, or streetcar line. All other developments using public land must include a 20% affordable unit set-aside. 
Medical Marijuana Facility Overconcentration Emergency Amendment Act of 2013 – This bill would have restricted medical marijuana facilities from locating within half a mile of another facility, with an exception for facilities that are already “approved for registration” by the Department of Health. This bill was intended to deal with the overconcentration of cultivation centers in Woodridge. Unfortunately, the bill did not pass, as most Councilmembers do not support further limits on the District’s medical marijuana program.


1st Street Tunnel Meeting

RIA Streetscaping Meeting

DC Office of Planning with Dance Place Launch the Brookland Beautification Small Grant Program

Thanks to the efforts of Councilmember McDuffie during last year's budget cycle, the D.C. Office of Planning is launching the Brookland Beautification Small Grant Program, which will provide funding on a competitive basis to individuals and organizations within the greater Brookland community to support visually creative beautification projects along the 12th Street commercial corridor, Monroe Street, NE and other significant public spaces in the community. The beautification projects will serve to enhance commercial vitality and neighborhood identity and implement recommendations of the 2009 Brookland/CUA Metro Station Small Area Plan, which include establishing a Brookland Arts/Cultural District, developing a neighborhood branding and way finding strategy, and improving linkages to open space and recreational amenities in the community.
The Brookland Beautification Small Grant Program was developed in direct response to a meeting that the Office of Planning hosted in conjunction with Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie, the Department of Small and Local Business Development, and the Washington DC Economic Partnership on June 11, 2013, focused on Brookland branding, at which many stakeholders expressed a strong desire for more grassroots and locally “authentic” efforts to celebrate and brand the community. The program will empower local residents and stakeholders to play a direct role in the beautification of their neighborhood, taking advantage of local knowledge and talents. Any individuals or organizations with a great idea can apply. Competitively selected applicants will receive grant awards ranging from $750.00 to $5,000. Project concepts can range in medium and type and may include art installations, landscaping, temporary activation of underutilized space, wayfinding, marketing materials, and other interventions.
The Office of Planning has selected Dance Place to manage the program. Dance Place, which was founded in 1980, links the Arts, Education and Community in a rich diverse atmosphere of nurturing support. Grant applications are available online at and are due for submission by January 24, 2014. Information sessions will be held on December 10, 2013 and January 7, 2014 at Studio 21 on the Arts Walk at Monroe Street Market, 716 Monroe Street, NE, from 6:30pm until 8:00pm.
For more information, please visit: or the DC Office of Planning’s website at

New Supercans & Recycling Containers

Councilmember McDuffie joins Mayor Vincent C. Gray, Department of Public Works Director Bill Howland, City Administrator Allen Lew and Councilmember Mary Cheh to Announce the Distribution Schedule for New Supercans, Trash Cans and Larger Recycling Cans
Last year, Councilmember McDuffie introduced a bill that would make Supercan replacement free to seniors. Working with Mayor Gray and Councilmember Mary Cheh, Chairperson of the Committee on Transportation and the Environment, the Department Public Works (DPW) will begin distributing new Supercans in January 2014 to all residents who receive once-a-week trash collection services from DPW.
“I know there are a lot of people inquiring about when they will get their new Supercans. I also know many people have communicated through that they have outgrown the 32-gallon recycling can and need more capacity,” said Councilmember McDuffie. “I am happy to announce the wait is almost over. Starting in January, the Department of Public Works will begin delivering new Supercans and 64-gallon recycling cans to the 75,000 households that receive once-a-week trash and recycling collection services from DPW.”
DPW Director William O. Howland, Jr. said, “Residents of twice-a-week trash collection neighborhoods will get new 32-gallon trash cans and they will receive 48-gallon recycling cans, which are 50 percent larger than the current 32-gallon recycling cans. DPW will begin delivering these new cans in the spring. We expect that all 105,000 households will have their new trash and recycling cans by July.”

MPD Launches New Photo Enforcement Technology Designed to Make the District's Streets Even Safer

The Metropolitan Police Department announced the deployment of several new types of automated traffic enforcement as part of a new traffic safety campaign called DC Street Safe.
DC Street Safe is aimed at using new photo enforcement technologies to combat aggressive and dangerous driving habits that endanger some of our most vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians, bicyclists, and other vehicle drivers and passengers. DC Street Safe will be comprised of the following new technologies:
  • Gridlock enforcement units that will improve traffic flow by targeting “blocking the box” at intersections;
  • Portable stop sign enforcement units to reduce violations in residential neighborhoods ;
  • Portable crosswalk enforcement units that will enhance pedestrian safety at crosswalks near schools, parks, and recreation centers;
  • Speed enforcement units that will focus on intersections with known speeding problems;
  • Units that will enforce rules on oversized and overweightcommercial vehicles in order to reduce infrastructure damage and enhance quality of life in our neighborhoods.
The new automated traffic safety enforcement cameras will be activated on Saturday, November 23. Cameras at new locations will issue warnings to vehicles for violations until Sunday, December 29. Beginning Monday, December 30, cameras at new locations will issue fines for violations.
For more information about please visit

Councilmember McDuffie Hosted Meeting on the Brookland Green with WMATA

Brookland Green
This week, Councilmember McDuffie hosted a meeting at Casey Trees to discuss WMATA's plans to redevelop the Brookland Metro Station.
Although WMATA does not yet have a specific site plan for the development of the Brookland Green next to the Metro Station, residents in attendance expressed concern that the Green and trees be preserved. Residents also requested more pedestrian-friendly improvements to the Metro station.
Councilmember McDuffie shares residents' concern that the Brookland Green is an important community asset that should be maintained, and he promised to continue working with WMATA and residents to develop a plan that reflects the will of the community.

Ward 5 Events

Councilmember McDuffie, or a member of his staff, will attend the following events:
  • Monday 7pm - Queens Chapel Civic Association
  • Tuesday 7pm - Aboretum; ANC 5D
  • Thursday 6:30pm - Woodridge South Central Community Association
  • Thursday 7pm - Premier CDC; McMillian Advisory Group

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