
Thursday, December 12, 2013

? water off last night for some Bloomingdale residents ?

See these tweets:

why are you not held to the same ordinance laws?? 4:00 am work and still jackhammering?!
4:00 AM - 12 Dec 13 

Why does wait until 11 pm to saw the street?? Twice in one week too!!
11:05 PM - 11 Dec 13 · 

Happy my water is finally back on. Wish would have given notice of the shut of last night....
7:13 AM - 12 Dec 13

1 comment:

  1. Tweets from DC Water-

    So, the official explanation is... we messed up. We didn't notify all of the impacted blocks.
    Please accept our apologies. Very sorry for the unexpected service outage.

    Nothing scheduled tonight. There will be more I'm sure as the replacement project continues.
