
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bloomingdale resident Robert Brannum receives DC National Guard Citizen's Award

See this message from Bloomingdale resident Robert Brannum:

Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2014 17:16:43 -0500
Subject:  DC National Guard/DC Statehood

Dear Ward 5 Neighbors,

On Saturday, 11 January 2014, at the DC National Guard Military Ball, I received the DC National Guard Citizen’s Award.  In my remarks, I made the following statement:

“…there is one statement of community activism I am compelled and duty bound to state.  Residents of the District of Columbia who are members of the United States armed forces risk their lives to defend democracy and full voting rights for people around the world, yet are denied full voting rights here in the Nation’s Capital.  The people of the District of Columbia deserve full voting rights in the Congress of the United States and the District of Columbia deserves statehood.”

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